Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Universe - Pond Parable

Take a pond, and make it ‘infinite’. Throw a rock into the centre of the pond, and it will ripple outwards until the energy has seized due to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Just so, the God-Universe-Existence phenomenon can be explained.

Liken space-time to the infinite pond – a dimensional probability, susceptible to energy changes. Apply consciousness to this ‘fabric’, just like throwing a rock into the pond, and one will get vibratory ripples ever expanding from the centre of applied consciousness – the so called ‘Big Bang’. Thus ‘existence’ would be the ripple effect of consciousness applied to space-time; this ‘hand’ throwing the rock to experience its effect would then be the One Without End - the Super Consciousness we are struggling to understand with our empericist, dogmatic and fundamentalist approach.

To put this parable in a more scientific way, let us say that space-time is perceived as an infinite membrane (p-brane in M-Theory). Consciousness is then the ‘sound’ washing through this brane from a yet unobservable or enfolded quantum state, causing it to reverberate at the same frequency perceived as 'matter' and 'energy'; much like the electrical field causing an audio speaker to reverberate and produce an almost infinite amount of sounds. The cause of this ‘sound’ or electrical field, yet again the super being we 'know' as God or the Source.

It is written in the Rig Veda, “In the beginning, there was Brahman, with whom was the Word. And the word is Brahman.” These same words are reflected in the Christian version of John 1:1, “In the beginning there was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” A remarkable similarity.

Thus, in the beginning God has spoken the Word, and there was existence rippling through our space-time (mem)brane; the Word or Vibration of God giving rise to the infinite wave properties we understand as matter and energy, and ultimately our 'reality'.
(Comments welcome)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Are we witnessing the emergence of 'Crystal Children'?

In many metaphysical groups, there is mention of the so called Crystal Children being born (choosing incarnation), following the Indigo Children generation of the past thirty years.
According to these groups (many being named 'New Age' by subjective reductionist and traditional religious viewers), the human phenomenon is entering a stage in it's existence, where it will undergo extreme changes; many being of spiritual inclination. As also mentioned in my book, taking into account the existence of our species to be around 100 000 years, that the last century has been quite an 'action packed' one for the human race - from Art nouveau to Pollack, calculus to Internet, horse and carriage to supersonic fighter jets and two world wars (probably the most brutal and inhumane of all). It would seem - objectively comparing our last 100 years of development and 'history making' to that of the last 100 000 years of human existence - that the Law of Accelerating Returns (Kurzweil), Timewave Zero/One (late Terence Mckenna) and the Information Doubling Thesis (Robert Wilson), depicting our timeline to be exponential and NOT linear, with us at the very Event Horizon of a moment of singularity or an eschaton as McKenna put it, definitely points at something very important: That we are now living in a very interesting period of human existence, most of us completely in oblivion (this oblivion fueled by ancient dogma and modern consumerism).
It is in this very notion that the so called Indigo and Crystal children fit in. The Indigo's - as explained by these many metaphysical groups - came to break humanity free from the dogmatic chains of yesteryear (think of people like Martin Luther King and Rosy Parks to name but a few), challenging archaic ideas of society, to be replaced by more civilized ones, and to prepare the 'seed bed' for the next generation - the Crystal generation. Being more balanced, generous, spiritual and intelligent (in a holistic and universal way), they will prepare humanity for the next step in their spiritual evolution. By following a trail from young Cole Marcus - a genius boy drummer with his own MySpace spot on the net that linked to our music group - I stumbled upon many prodigy children on YouTube, and will on a weekly basis share their uncanny genius with the readers of this blog. For more information on Crystal Children, follow this link: http://www.crystalchildren.com/. I also wrote an extensive piece in my book about the need to change our views of children and their incredible importance for our future.
In the next video, you will see an 8 year old boy playing Chopin's Valse No.14. As I have had formal musical training (in piano) since the age of five, you can take my word for it when I say that this particular piece of music is by far too advanced for a child of this age. As a matter of fact, it will take most adults months before they can play this particular piece - especially considering Chopin's technical difficulty - at the level this boy performs it. Not only does he 'play' it; he understands the intonation of the piece, interpreting and performing it brilliantly.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Different View to Ray Kurzweil's 'Live Long Enough - Live Forever'

Ray Kurzweil is a brilliant inventor (from the first musical synthesis to the latest AI devices reading books to the blind), as well as author to books like The Age of Spiritual Machines. He is also the ‘father’ of the concept of The Law of Accelerated Returns which will soon ‘give birth’ to an event known as the‘singularity’. He is a highly respected man with great vision; appearing on media interviews and frequently mentioned in literature (as also in my book The Sleeper Must Awaken).

There is one of his visions however, that I do disagree with. He proposes, as in the title of his new book: live long enough – live forever. Basing his argument on his earlier thesis - The Law of Accelerated Returns – he states that, with current bio-technological advancement, one can live long enough to reach the Singularity, which in turn will enable one to live forever. Although he is probably correct in his predictions about how eternal physical life will be achieved, he fails to see one thing (in my humble opinion):

The reason for birth, life and death. In this regard, I believe him to be reductionist in his approach as seeing only this physical life as ‘real’, and wants to cling to it, probably due to a subcounscious level of fear of death. By this, he (as so many others) fail to see the beauty and workings of this universe we call ‘reality’.

If we take a look at our universe and our so called ‘reality’ through new eyes – through the synthesis of Superstring Theory, the fractal nature of Being, the concepts of a Holographic Universe as described by the physicist David Bohm and in turn, the first mentioned themes’ remarkable similarities to dreams, archetypes, the Monomyth and ancient mysticism such as Kabbalah and Tantra – will we realise the flaw in believing our universe and ourselves to be ‘real’; believing this ‘reality’ to be the only plane of existence. If we study these remarkable similarities, will we realise that this ‘life’, is only one of the archetypal expressions of the One Consciousness (known by many names).

Also, if humanity achieves eternal physical life, it poses some practical problems as well:

We are already an overpopulated species; exponentially growing in number, while we consume the earth’s resources at that same exponential rate. We are already so over populated in most areas of the world, creating an extremely high demand in basics such as nourishment and housing, that we irreparably damage natural resources in the process of trying to keep up with that demand. As a friend of mine mentioned: I know very little about economics – but when there are too many worms on a leaf, soon the leaf will be consumed, and the worms will die with that leaf.

If looking at our primate nature of fighting for survival, be it in the form of modern economics and capitalism, we will probably not be able to have the energy resources to comply with the energy demand for the eternal life technologies. We are already riddled with other forms of survival issues – dwindling resources (as mentioned), escalating natural catastrophes (probably secondary to global climate change) and overpopulation.

We also have to look beyond the reductionist approach to eternal life: If we can assume that this earthly life and plane is but one of the many ways of Universal Consciousness expressing itself, then there is no need to be trapped in this state for eternity. We need to learn to understand the purpose of our lives - cope with and learn from only this life, and then move on to explore others in the eternal fractal cycle of birth – life – death and re-birth.

(Comments welcome)

Rapid Urbanization

Rapid urbanisation is one of the many reflections or symptoms of humanity's imbalance. Cities indeed are growing too rapidly, luring hopeful souls to a graveyard of dreams. If any known thing to man is expanded too rapidly, ranging from a simple balloon to an organ, it will eventually burst or break down. Cities can't cope with the influx anymore, and basic problems such as housing and work availability will give rise to more serious problems, ranging from health issues to crime. Furthermore, to try and cope with this problem, more natural land will be destroyed in order to build cheap accommodation and work places. This again will give rise to a more serious problem - putting more strain on an already quivering environment. Cities are like massive malignant tumours. They keep on growing uncontrollably, destroying normal surrounding tissue (environment), while dying at it's centre, giving rise to toxins (poverty and crime).

The problem at heart lies far deeper than we think. It lies in the very fabric of our minds - basic survival from the hopeful masses' side, and greed on the rich and powerful's side. The rich and powerful, with their blind ambition, create the bait for the hopeful masses with multi-media displays, promising wealth, health and eternal beauty. The masses are then sucked into this black hole of need, creating the vast influx of cities, which then gives rise to the problems mentioned earlier - a vicious cycle created by the uncontrollable desire of man.

We have to address this problem starting with ourselves - first, we have to stop the denial of this dire situation and secondly, start to work on an individual level. Everything starts and ends with a responsible individual, just as the health of an organism, lies at cellular level. We are the cells of this organism called the biosphere, only, these cells (we) are intelligent and capable of change. We should use these intellects, take responsibility and tackle this issue head on.
Proposals to this problem will follow shortly...
(Comments are welcome)