We continue with the concept of improving relationships using Vibratory Harmony - once understood, it will be so much easier applying it to daily life:
We understand that our universe as well as ourselves - as we are a seamless part of this universe - is an illusory ocean or symphony of vibration; ourselves being songs in this symphony. We understand this through the new concept of M-Theory, and the integration of this 'new' scientific thinking with the remarkable similarities to Kabbalah and Tantra (ancient scientific thinking).
But what is
vibration really? All the New Age guru's talk about it, but hardly ever explain it. Vibration is - in essence - variation in
space-time, in all perceived and non-perceived dimensions. Vibration are waves; waves being the difference in illusory locality and frequency on an illusory timeline. Waves have
amplitude or volume (strength),
frequency (wavelength) and an '
envelope' or shape, which predetermines the look our sound of the manifested wave (as in sound, trumpet and piano waves 'look' different in their envelopes). In simpler terms: vibration and waves are ripples made by consciousness in a space-time dimension (like a stone shaping ripples in a pond).
Schematic, 2 dimensional representation of sound envelope.But how dies this apply to you, you might ask. Well, the moment you were conceived, a part of consciousness (The One) that has the etheric and astral memories of your prior selves; extended or projected into the 3d dimension via your parents' combined DNA, and created a ripple, which expanded (not unlike the Big Bang - as above so below), shaping through 'time' the human being you are today. You are a conglomerate of complex projected vibration in space-time; your vibration constantly changing in response to 'outer' vibration (thus your perceived world), and 'inner' vibration (thus your multi-dimensional 'inner self' connected to Consciousness). In essence, your DNA is the originator 'sound' envelope (genotype), and will manifest a complex wave pattern in 3-dimensions perceived as your body (phenotype) - thus in 'movie' terms, your DNA is the
film, your body is the
projection and the
light is consciousness. Cymatics* (the study of how sound changes the nature of our 'physical' world; thus the fermionic vibration of our universe) sheds more light on this.
Geometric shape of a specific sound in matter (mandala).
The geometric shape of the vocal sound 'aah'.Vibration in RelationAnd how does this link with relationships? Relationships are just a limited word, thought out by yester-year man to describe the action-reaction phenomenon between vibratory life-forms such as yourself.
Think about it: when you see something, you perceive light vibration reflected from 'objects' (being vibration themselves). When you hear something, you perceive sound vibration as created by something (like a voice), created by another person, created by his or her thoughts. This stimulates your thoughts, and you react in return with a vibratory response in thought, movement and sound. This is how we 'relate' to one another.
When someone is upset (in reaction to outer stimuli), he or she will respond or react to this outer vibratory stimulus in a certain way that might not be in accord with you (remember harmony in music); in other words, this person's words and actions (thus rough outer creations of his or her thoughts) will 'clash' with yours. The two of you are thus 'singing' out of tune with one another, and will cause an unpleasant 'sound' or disharmony. When you understand this, you could change your own vibration to better suit the situation.
When anger is expressed (high amplitude and frequency wave), and in return, responded to with anger, the intensity of the wave will be increased two-fold due to super-imposing of the waves. This will be like an explosion. It is better to respond with the opposite of anger - a low frequency and low amplitude wave - cancelling the anger wave by superimposition. This is usually the feeling of what we call 'love'. Even the thought of love - thoughts being the original waveform - will calm the situation down.
But: what is love really? We often use the term Love; but mostly it is confused with jealous obsession leading to drama.
In the next post, I will discuss what love really is...
*Jenny, Hans: Kymatik: Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/Cymatics: The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations, Basilius Press, 1967, p. 10