Monday, April 21, 2008

BODY (health): Asthma simplified

Asthma is a common, multi-factorial respiratory condition that is associated with episodes of coughing and various degrees of breathing difficulty. It affects about 1 in 4 urban children, and can lead to death in serious cases.
Asthma is characterized by chronic 'background' inflammation of the upper to mid airways (bronchi), resulting in congested, mucous filled airways with episodes of acute flare-up, causing severe coughing and airway restriction (wheezing). This inflammation [inflammation: response by cells to 'non-self' elements such as chemical compounds, micro-organisms and radiation] is caused by two main factors:


Some people are born with a genetic predisposition where their immune system will 'over react' to external factors, causing the inflammatory response in the upper and mid airways associated with asthma. Thus, it could be said that asthma 'runs in families', and is an important question by a medical practitioner when first examining a patient.

* EXTERNAL FACTORS (most common)

There are various external factors that could cause asthma, but the following are the most common found:
Chemicals such as sulfuric, nitrous and volatile organic airborne and ingested chemicals. Pollutants, most notably Tobacco smoke & micro fibers of synthetic carpets in the average home. Allergens like pollen, dust mite excrement and dry airborne animal saliva. Micro-organisms such as various respiratory viruses, fungal spores & bacteria are also causes.
As mentioned earlier, these external as well as internal factors cause the 'background' inflammation, which then could be changed into an acute 'attack' where the threshold between chronic life sustaining, and life threatening will be crossed. This could be due to a higher intake of the above-mentioned factors, or triggered by mainly exercise, laughter or cold air. It is also usually present in the early hours of the morning due to a drop in bodily steroid production.


Asthma is usually a chronic condition with episodic acute episodes. These two factors have different presentations. In the chronic phase, common symptoms are dry to 'wet' coughing; breathlessness & failure to thrive in children. Signs often only include a 'pigeon chest' in young children as well as delayed milestones. In young adults, there could be prolonged expiration times and occasional wheezes with auscultation. Mostly, asthma is first diagnosed after an acute episode, with symptoms including severe coughing, difficulty in breathing and a feeling of panic; and signs of anxiety, laboured breathing with polyphonic wheezes and rapid heart rate with engorged neck veins.


It is vital to treat an acute attack as an emergency by ensuring an open and viable airway and administering 100% humidified oxygen, Beta-2 stimulants and fast-acting intravenous cortico-steroids. It is also vital to remove and/ or treat any causing factors if at all possible.
In the chronic phase, it is of utmost importance to start with preventative measures, thus, by avoiding causal factors. Ironically, the most common factors will be found in one's home; tobacco smoke and especially synthetic carpets being the culprit [carpets - especially synthetic ones as their static attracts particles - are saturated with all kinds of pollutants]. Smoking should never occur indoors, and carpets should be replaced by solid flooring. If this is not possible, carpets should be vacuumed daily with a proper vacuum cleaner (with HEPA filters cleaned regularly), in the absence of the asthmatic person, leaving the house open to 'air out' for a while. Bedding should also regularly be washed and dried properly, with mattresses aired and dried in the sun on occasion. Foods containing preservatives (especially nitrate and sulfide containing ones) should be avoided. In conjunction with the utmost important Primary Health Aspect mentioned above, drugs such as long acting cortico-steroids and Beta-2 stimulants can be prescribed. It is also important for the asthmatic to always carry a fast acting Beta-2 stimulant inhaler as well as a Medic-Alert bracelet with his or her condition inscribed.


Early onset asthma has a strong tendency to diminish or even disappear into adulthood, while late onset asthma usually sticks around like a bad habit. This can also be ascribed to the misdiagnosing of other respiratory diseases closely mimicking asthma in adults.


If one takes Reiki principles into account, respiratory problems - notably so in asthma - is on a mental level, secondary to a repressed sense of failure to accept life force, or that what the Universe has to offer. Thus, those who always decline something good coming their way, feeling guilty of accepting 'freebies'.

Indeed, if we take a closer look at the new field of psychoneuroimmunology, it is clearly seen how different aspects of personality and mental attitudes will lead to certain diseases (such as the reduction of Killer-T cells in Type C personalities; rendering some prone to cancer as an example).

This shows again how health is not merely a case of the reductionist 'this equals that' slapped with pharmaceuticals; but requiring a careful, empathetic and holistic approach.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

BODY: The Health Dangers of Carpets

Dust Mites and Mold in your carpets.

Most of us love our carpets: they keep our feet warm during those dreadful winter months; we relax on them in front of our fire-places; our babies frolic around on them...

Little do we know just how unhealthy they could be:

Most carpets are made from synthetic fibres, and not well seated fibres at that. These micro fibres will - due to their static nature - attract all kinds of pollutant particles: from dry pet saliva to all the city-street surface particles, unseen by our eyes. These fibres become airborne with our activities, and we inhale them deeply, blissfully unaware.

"Nothing a good vacuum cleaning job won't fix", you might remark. However, if we would to think on a microscopic level for an instance; shrink ourselves right down to the level of each carpet fibre being the size of a tree...ooh, you will have nightmares dear reader: dust mites the size of tigers, dry rocks of bodily fluids carried in by your pets and your slick city shoes; all deeply embedded into the core of the carpet. Most vacuum cleaners simply skim the top 2% or so. And to add: ever smelled that dusty smell after a vacuum cleaning session? Yep, all that grizzly micro contents of your carpet have simply been lifted and made airborne by the 'good 'ol cleaner' in your hands; the filtration system simply not good enough.

Carpets are especially bad for the little ones crawling around on them, and more even so for asthmatics.

Then what are we to do?

Wall to wall carpets are a bad idea (even non-synthetic ones: they all trap debris over months to years). Solid flooring in the shape of sustainable wood, bamboo, tiles (or laminate, synthetic yet again - last option) is a good idea; with underfloor heating to break the winter cold (underfloor heating is more effective than other forms of central heating). Loose natural cotton and or bamboo carpets can be strategically placed, but with a condition: CLEAN REGULARLY.

And if it's simply out of the question to remove carpets due to financial reasons (believe me, I understand: the Credit Crunch is here to stay); then at least invest in a proper vacuum cleaner (names are not important, the working is). A strong machine = a better clean (but unfortunately also eats electricity). Get one with a HEPA/S filtration system. It is also important to regularly clean the vacuum cleaner (with a mask in a draft away from your breathing). You'll think me a health nut; but as soon as you really look into the matter - study that grey dust that falls from the HEPA filter - you will understand my concern. The loose mats can be cleaned in the same way, or beaten like a pinĂ£da; and left to air out in the sun (the UV rays of the sun kills most dust mites and fungi).

After the vacuum session, leave the house open to air out for a while.

Next post: asthma made simple...

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Change of Heart (and mind)

After a long silent period, I blog forth, albeit with a difference: no more 'actavistish' anarchist colours will permeate my writing. I have suddenly had a change of heart over the last few months: my anger with our severely failing and disappointing governments and other self-made bureaucratic institutions (traps) have changed into a 'can't be bothered' situation. They are mere symptoms of a failing and transient civilization, as with Egypt, Rome, Greece and Ancient China, they will crumble and fall, and be replaced by a better one (I hope). I realized that it is inevitable to try and stop the out-of-control train from storming over the cliff. Best is to tell as many passengers (willing to listen) that this is the case, and get off yourself, waiting for, or building the next.

This change of heart came due to many reasons. Mostly it was due to realizing - after years of blood, sweat and tears - that the majority of people just don't listen to moral reason. They never have, as they are too caught up with the 'bling-bling' of the zeitgeist and especially their own shadowy egos; so why waste time and energy on a deaf, self-destructing mob of self-obsessed primates in designer clothing, drinking Cafe Latte in some fancy franchise? I would rather spend some time with my loved ones and give my pearls of wisdom to the very few individuals who ask for them. A wise world teacher has indeed advised not to throw one's pearls to the swines; not to sow one's seeds on dry and infertile land.

Thus, no more waving of the red flag, shouting 'DANGER!'. Nope, enough is enough. I will sit quietly under a nearby tree, and watch the mob run over the cliff like the rats of Hamlin, blindly following the magical flute with greedy foaming mouths. There certainly will be those who will use their gifts of critical thinking, moral reason and accountability and exit the self-destructing mob before tumbling over the cliff...

In the meantime, I will write in a positive light only; giving advice on love, life and health. So feel free to come and collect your pearls, and share yours with me.

Giving & Receiving is after all the greatest gift of the Universe...