Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our Dying Civilization: Part 2

I agree, part 1 is pretty grim. Grim is the future of any self destructive being. Take an intravenous drug addict for example – he or she cares not for the long term future, only for that short lived sense of euphoria, replaced by the opposite of bliss. In spite of all the warnings against drug use; all the complications and misery that will lead to a premature death, this person will pursue that short lived euphoric sensations at all cost, leading to only one thing – disaster. Mental break-down, hepatitis B, HIV, festering groin wounds, cardiac valve lesions secondary to septic endocarditis and eventually premature death. The reasons for people becoming addicted in the first place is another matter entirely, but in the end; self destructive behaviour leads to self destruction – cause and effect, action and reaction.

Now, not all individuals are necessarily as self-destructive as the said intravenous drug addict, but, most of us have a self destructive tendency. Smoking, drinking alcohol (which is essentially a mild poison), over eating, thinking negative thoughts leading to lowered self esteem and even mental illnesses, over working, etc; we are all aware that certain things we imbibe, inhale or do, is bad for us, but still pursue it with relish. In the end, most humans have self destructive tendencies, the drug abuser being only the extreme representative of the scale. Now, as individuals, we never really think about our actions affecting the whole. After all, what can one insignificant soul among the billions on the planet change? You will be amazed at the power of the individual. Let me explain…

If one studies systems closely, the words; ‘as above so below, as within so without’ comes to mind. Systems reflect each other from the minute to profoundly large. It is even evident in fractal pictograms, where the original pictogram will keep repeating within itself if magnified infinitely. As atoms shape molecules, shape cells, shape organs, shape organic bodily systems and eventually the body; so the individual human being can be likened to the cell shaping and organ we call society when collated. Thus, we are the cells of the organ called society. If all cells function perfectly, we have a healthy organ and body. If the cells function otherwise, the organ becomes sick.

It can be seen in cancer. Cancer in short, is one cell going rogue due to a ‘fault’ in it’s DNA or programming; it’s differentiation and multiplying abilities altered, so that it keeps on multiplying without differentiating, thus, not becoming the specific cell it was destined to become. Eventually we have a situation where the normal cells in the organ are displaced with rogue cells, which consumes much more energy than the surrounding healthy tissue. This conglomerate of rogue or cancer cells is called a tumour; expanding into the healthy organ and causing mass amounts of toxins to be released into the surrounding organ and body’s blood stream. Eventually, the tumour will rot at its core due to an imbalance in the supply and demand equation; some bits dying (causing more toxins) and other bits spreading or ‘metastasising’ to other parts of the body, where it will continue this destructive behaviour until the whole body dies under the strain of toxins and imbalance in supply-demand.

Now, if the above scenario is compared to modern man and society, we will see an eerie similarity. Individual humans have become self-obsessed consumers (especially those in western countries), consuming more products, thus earthly resources than is needed and in return to the earth, fill her with toxins. The city – modern dwelling for society or conglomerate of individuals if you will - can then be seen as a tumour, ever expanding due to it’s ‘rogue cells’, replacing nature with concrete structures, polluting her seas and rivers with chemicals, plastic bags and bottles (to name but a few), while consuming more and more energy and other resources. The more consuming individuals, the bigger the city, the higher consumption of resources and output of toxins.
Parts of the city will have its less fortunate areas; filled with souls burdened by unfair trading, lack of education and stealth racism (thus imbalance in supply and demand affecting an exponentially growing minority). Of course this will breed sub-cultures of hatred which in turn will cause crime – thus the rotting parts of the tumour. This happens all over the world on a daily basis; the human cancer has metastasised, killing the earth slowly but surely.

If most human beings have a self destructive tendency, then society (conglomerate collective mind of the individual) will be self destructive as well. Thus, the problem and cause of our dying civilization, lies on individual level – thus you and me.

Then, if the problem lies in the individual, then so does the solution. Thus the solution to the world’s problems, lies inside you and me…

(continued to part 3)

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