Relationship: a word describing probably one of the most important aspects of the human condition.
Your first relationship starts with the union of your parents, your conception, and bond with them in utero: the surges of your mother’s hormones responding to your growth and her conflicting emotions of denial, fear and awe; the first recognition of her voice as you start hearing at 18 weeks, the occasional baritones of father’s voice as he awe-inspiringly touch her slowly enlarging belly.
You are born, nursed and raised by what seems to be your gods. You meet other ‘giants’ as well as little ones like you – kind and unkind alike – and slowly you turn into a giant as well, slowly forgetting the place of your origin: the Place of Light.
And the ‘enemy’: be it your spouse, your child, your father or another country filled with ‘strangers’ – are you not indeed the ‘enemy’ to them? Are you not then the Hero in your own Journey, they the Villain and Vice Versa? Who is right or wrong in this eternal Mythical tale of Homo sapiens?
The truth is: there is no right or wrong at the level of our souls. We all interact in a coherent universe of vibration, our relationships being harmonic or disharmonic in the symphony of life.
Sad then, that at present our Opus is that of a cacophony; a morphed disarray of sound due to our ignorance of our connection with each other.
I sincerely hope that humanity will find a way to create one day, and Opus of love…
I know it is nearly Christmas and I have to be cheerful; but I have just read another imbecility that drove me insane again: drivers using mobile phones can face jail for two years, and this is pushed to the limit with those using hands-free sets as well! Further to this, the police have the power to check your phone records in order to see if you answered calls during times you were driving. Drivers using Sat-Nav and MP3 players also risk being prosecuted.
Now, this is just incredible! Add this dubious thinking with: compulsory TV fees, millions of CCTV cameras following your every move, GPS traceable mobile phones, the compulsory proposed ‘fit-ur-car-with-device-that-will-be-traced-so-that-we-can-bill-you-for-driving-too-much’ green tax and congestion charges idea, the right held by the police to stop and search you without a warrant, iris & fingerprint scans at airports, RFID chips in new passports (chips with GPS tracking capability and all your personal data), proposed ID cards (that will be forced down on us, just watch this space), and the slow proposal and implementation of implanted RFID chips….
Can you see a pattern here? And this all because a few men (of which some are still alive & thus wrongly accused, mind you) killed themselves by supposedly flying into buildings? Nonsense! How can events that took place years ago, take our civil liberties away like that? We are slowly being turned into a distopian society, just as Orwell predicted in his novel, 1984. We are just too marooned by entertainment to notice; the endless reality shows and violent PC games keeping us in a zombie state of ignorance.
Yesterday - we explored the metaphorical truth of The Matrix - That we are slaves to a system we are not aware of. We are Alice, kept in a 'wonderland', by the Puppet Masters who slowly but surely milk us dry for their own self gain.
Utter 'poppy-cock', 'balderdash' conspiracy theory you are blabbering about - you insane fiend! remember a previous blog of mine about 'Plato's Cave Analogy'; the message boiling down to: make slaves believe they are free, and they will never revolt. Keep people in a state of controlled pleasure and choices for these pleasures, and they are 'content'.
Now consider our lives: we grow up in a society that dictates how we should live; a system that has been seamlessly evolving over the centuries through our forefathers, who have never questioned their role in 'society'. We are born, we go to school where we are taught certain rules and regulations, as well as by our parents who themselves have been taught by the same system: be good (usually a good Christian/ Jewish child in the West), do your homework, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, go to college or university (if mommy and daddy can afford it), become a lawyer/ doctor/ nurse/ teacher/ policeman/ fireman/ soldier.....and work, work work busy bee. Work 11 out of 12 months, so that [we] can take almost half of your money as tax (most concealed in stealth mode, as it is divided into so many different ones).
But tax is for the good of the country you will say - and indeed it should be, but...
All social services are private these days! Aviation, railway, gas, electricity, water and now health care...all private and extremely expensive. Where are all those billions of dollars going to? Ever thought of just how much tax money is generated by the masses each month?
And consider this also: everything is too expensive to buy with your measly little salaries; thus you make debt at high interest rates. Most families are buying Christmas gifts this year, with last year's debt still unpaid. And we WANT those things on TV...ooh, yes, I want that iPod/ Playstation/ Xbox/ trainers/ flat screen/ hi-fi....who do these companies belong to, brainwashing you to WANT with their glossy adverts? Who does all the media belong to anyway?
And you think that the rich and famous make it scott free? Think again: remember Alain de Botton's 'Status Anxiety' - keeping up with the Jones'. The more 'money' you earn, the more you spend it. Think about most celebs - do they live in ordinary houses, drive ordinary cars and fly coach class? Of course not - they spend all that money, and also make debt. Just look at poor old Michael Jackson...
We live in a system of debt enslavement. Our interest and tax we pay, feed the 'machines', while 'they' keep us in 'wonderland' with all the entertainment and glossy adverts, fueling our status anxiety, which in turn make us spend more and more money that we don't have. We think we have choices, and indeed we do: shall I choose the red or the blue car. Shall I choose the political puppet on the left, or the one on the right?
If we stand back, and gain perspective; we will notice how we are standing with our noses fixed to a tapestry, not noticing the bigger picture or the fix we're in.
And just who or what is this machine? Ah, now that's the question.
'They' are not 'there'. You cannot pinpoint them. Most of 'them' don't even know that they are 'them'. The Puppet Masters and their stealth enslavement is a reflection of our own disbelieving, materialist darkness and apathy to resist this darkness within all of us. This problem; this enslavement, is woven into the very fabric of our society, and it is getting worse. But something always changes situations. As mentioned earlier: Change is the only constant in the Universe. We shall later discuss these possible changes, but for now - watch this documentary. It might just change your view on things. Brushing up on one's concealed history, is a powerful tool...
Continuing with the idea of life being metaphorically reflected in our art and literature, I refer back to The Matrix (the first original film) again today, as I more and more realize the metaphorical truth of that film. Let’s take the part in The Matrix where Neo meets Morpheus for the first time:
Finding themselves in a room of decay, with a thunderstorm brooding outside, Morpheus greets Neo, and tries to explain the concept of the Matrix to Neo, referring to ‘Alice in Wonderland’.
“The Matrix is everywhere. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth”, Morpheus says, mirror glasses fixed firmly on Neo. Neo is dumbfounded, “what truth?” Morpheus smiles, “that you are a slave Neo. Born into bondage…born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch…a prison for your mind”.
Morpheus offers Neo the ultimate choice, metaphorically reflected in the blue pill, or the red pill. Neo chooses to ‘know’ by taking the RED pill, and as Cifer explains, “buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, ‘cause Kansas is going bye-bye” (ode to ‘Wizard of Oz’, another film reflecting our fooled existence).
Neo starts experiencing what can be likened to a psychedelic experience – the world around him morphs (Morpheus is the giver of this gift – see the connection again?) – and soon, he finds himself in a bleak reality: billions of humans are kept in a dream state, so that the machines can use them as energy sources.
And just how does this explain our situation you might ask. Well, it goes something like this:
The average human being is born into a family already in dept; dept on the house, the car and credit cards. This is because these things, are just too expensive to buy cash, as wages are too low. Thus mom and dad go to banks and other financial institutions to ask (beg) for a loan, which comes at no cheap price – you pay high interest on that loan; a loan or loans that stretches over time spans of 5 to 40 years. But as inflation is a major problem – everything keeps on getting more expensive, and your wages lag behind – you need to re-loan time and time again. In the end, mom and dad slave away their whole life, in order to survive. And you – born into this already indebted situation – start with a drawback. Most families cannot afford proper healthcare or education. This leads to lagging behind your privileged peers, born into wealthy families.
But you’ll say – this is the democratic way. The hard workers become wealthy, and the lazy ones lag behind. This is utter nonsense. Take nurses for instance: they work long and tedious hours, caring for patients in need, and get paid peanuts. The same goes for teachers, paramedics, firemen, police officers…all very important and noble hard workers, who barely survive the loan scam.
But then you’ll say, this is just the way the world works. Ah, now why does it work this way? Who or what makes the world work this way?
This will be revealed in tomorrow’s blog post…in the mean time, have a look at this news clip:
As explored in an earlier blog, it can be seen how the collective subconscious mind of man can reveal its inner secrets and obstacles in the form of art and fiction. This can be seen with pornography as well.
Pornography (literally meaning ‘writing about prostitutes) is a broad term used today to describe a phenomenon, which is essentially a revelation of mankind’s obsession with its own darker side of sexuality. A study in history reveals that, art in the form of paintings and sculptures, has depicted this obsession exploring from mild erotic events in the past to the disturbing ‘hard core’ pornography of today and especially more disturbing, child pornography. If one reaches beyond the very graphic nature of especially modern day pornography, will one notice the deeper symbology reflecting mankind’s dilemma:
‘Sex’ is the word subscribed to the reproductive duality of many living organisms. In plain reductionist terms, it is a mere natural process of evolution. But this duality has very strong psycho-sociological implications, especially so in our species.
Sexuality has a very broad spectrum of ‘being’, and is different to everyone on the planet, as well as different epochs of our existence. To some, sexuality is a mere form of recreation (especially current western culture); to others seen as something ‘unclean’ (as by some religious sects) and to ancient scholars of Tantra, it was seen as a way for man and woman – thus the masculine and feminine counterparts of the dualistic nature of the Universe – to unite, and reach a state of Oneness with the Universe. Sexuality, expressed in a balanced and ‘spiritual’ way (as in Tantra), is then an ode to the time before creation, when all was One.
It is sad then to see the darker symbols of current sexuality – expressed as pornography – revealing our shallow existence: an essentially male dominated billion-dollar industry showing graphic images of the female form being violated by means that cannot be discussed in this blog. It is even more sad and alarming to see this same industry growing in the child aspect.
Pornography is the reflection of an imbalance in the masculine and feminine aspects of our society. As the feminine aspect gains ground, so in reaction, the pornography becomes more abusively violent and graphic; spreading its horrendous tentacles into the younger ages, depicting the rape of innocence as well.
If we can recognize that pornography is the reflection, symptom and symbol of our own unbalanced collective dark side – our lost connection to our own duality, each other and the One – then we can change from within, and seek a more balanced and ‘spiritual’ way of re-uniting the sexual duality within. We can then – using our balanced male/ female sensual energy - find sensual peace, escape this destructive obsession and move on to greater things.
It is interesting to note how Art and Fiction - much like individuals' dreams - can reveal humanity's inner dark secrets and problems, as well as it's solutions. I will discuss one of these works: the film Alien.
Alien - the 1979 Sci-Fi/ Horror Ridley Scott film - must be one of the most remarkable and ground breaking films of, not only its own genre, but of all time.
It is a film that reverses the typical male/ female role portrayal of western society - breaking a long Hollywood tradition. With this as basis, it also dives into the human sub-conscious and archetypal mind; dealing with concepts of our society not often dealt with.
As with all Hero's Journeys, the film starts out with a setting - albeit super normal to us earth dwellers - an essentially normal environment for our Heroes and protagonist of the film. They wake up from slumber, eat, work and have silly conversations. They are all in shapeless uniforms, symbolizing their malleability to become the later better identifiable characters.
Then - the calling of the Herald: The crew we have already shaped a bond with, needs to answer a distress signal on an unknown planet; and the whole disastrous tale unfolds in horror as they discover a remorseless alien life form.
The 'zenomorph' creature - designed by controversial Swiss artist H.R. Giger - is truly a beast from our worst nightmares, and was indeed the first of its kind to be copied countless times in Hollywood history. It is a beast not often seen, lurking in the shadows. It is not your average humanoid monster like Count Dracula or the wolf-man - it is a beast with no eyes has a touch metallic-like outer shell with acid for blood and a phallic-like extra jaw, coming from its already hideous mouth that 'penetrates' its victims on the kill. It has also a larvae stage, where it attaches itself to the face of a victim, forcing its egg down the victim's mouth when - after some weeks - the small adult creature will burst through the victim's chest.
What we have here then, is a representation of our darker self: blind to remorse and justice (no eyes), it is the cold polluting industrial machine (metallic-like skin with acid for blood) 'raping' earth and humanity, thus life with its phallic-like killing jaw and forceful 'impregnation' by the larvic 'facehugger', giving an abominable birth to this very dark materialist beast from within ourselves.
Further in the film, the male characters fail miserably to stop this beast. It is only in the end, that Ripley - at first a shapeless woman, once again almost abominably 'raped' by the male android using the rolled up magazine - that kills this beast, her almost nude female form shown complete and triumphant in the end of the film.
It is thus an ode to the feminine element in humanity that is needed to save ourselves from the industrial male dominating beast we have created over the last 2000 years.
'Alien' shows then - with counless other works of art and fiction - that the archetypal sub-conscious human mind not only reveals the inner problems of humanity to itself through symbolic dreams; but through works of art and fiction alike.
The Sleeper Must Awaken views life in a different light - from individual level to that of the entire humanity and it's profound interconnection with the Biosphere.
Approaching life as a Journey through the forest of Self by exploring themes such as the Monomyth, our arhetypal dreamscapes and remarkable similarities between fractals, Superstring Theory and ancient Mysticism.
The Sleeper Must Awaken is an attempt to awaken the sleeper that needs to awaken within all of us...