Friday, December 14, 2007

The Matrix Has You - Part II

Yesterday - we explored the metaphorical truth of The Matrix - That we are slaves to a system we are not aware of. We are Alice, kept in a 'wonderland', by the Puppet Masters who slowly but surely milk us dry for their own self gain.

Utter 'poppy-cock', 'balderdash' conspiracy theory you are blabbering about - you insane fiend! remember a previous blog of mine about 'Plato's Cave Analogy'; the message boiling down to: make slaves believe they are free, and they will never revolt. Keep people in a state of controlled pleasure and choices for these pleasures, and they are 'content'.

Now consider our lives: we grow up in a society that dictates how we should live; a system that has been seamlessly evolving over the centuries through our forefathers, who have never questioned their role in 'society'. We are born, we go to school where we are taught certain rules and regulations, as well as by our parents who themselves have been taught by the same system: be good (usually a good Christian/ Jewish child in the West), do your homework, brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, go to college or university (if mommy and daddy can afford it), become a lawyer/ doctor/ nurse/ teacher/ policeman/ fireman/ soldier.....and work, work work busy bee. Work 11 out of 12 months, so that [we] can take almost half of your money as tax (most concealed in stealth mode, as it is divided into so many different ones).

But tax is for the good of the country you will say - and indeed it should be, but...

All social services are private these days! Aviation, railway, gas, electricity, water and now health care...all private and extremely expensive. Where are all those billions of dollars going to? Ever thought of just how much tax money is generated by the masses each month?

And consider this also: everything is too expensive to buy with your measly little salaries; thus you make debt at high interest rates. Most families are buying Christmas gifts this year, with last year's debt still unpaid. And we WANT those things on TV...ooh, yes, I want that iPod/ Playstation/ Xbox/ trainers/ flat screen/ hi-fi....who do these companies belong to, brainwashing you to WANT with their glossy adverts? Who does all the media belong to anyway?

And you think that the rich and famous make it scott free? Think again: remember Alain de Botton's 'Status Anxiety' - keeping up with the Jones'. The more 'money' you earn, the more you spend it. Think about most celebs - do they live in ordinary houses, drive ordinary cars and fly coach class? Of course not - they spend all that money, and also make debt. Just look at poor old Michael Jackson...

We live in a system of debt enslavement. Our interest and tax we pay, feed the 'machines', while 'they' keep us in 'wonderland' with all the entertainment and glossy adverts, fueling our status anxiety, which in turn make us spend more and more money that we don't have. We think we have choices, and indeed we do: shall I choose the red or the blue car. Shall I choose the political puppet on the left, or the one on the right?

If we stand back, and gain perspective; we will notice how we are standing with our noses fixed to a tapestry, not noticing the bigger picture or the fix we're in.

And just who or what is this machine? Ah, now that's the question.

'They' are not 'there'. You cannot pinpoint them. Most of 'them' don't even know that they are 'them'. The Puppet Masters and their stealth enslavement is a reflection of our own disbelieving, materialist darkness and apathy to resist this darkness within all of us. This problem; this enslavement, is woven into the very fabric of our society, and it is getting worse. But something always changes situations. As mentioned earlier: Change is the only constant in the Universe. We shall later discuss these possible changes, but for now - watch this documentary. It might just change your view on things. Brushing up on one's concealed history, is a powerful tool...

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