Friday, July 4, 2008

Oh, there you are!

After a very long silent period, I break the ice with this: never assume that, because you follow tha narrow and just path, believing that you are a good person and therefore deserve good things coming your way, that it will happen like that. That is why I always feel that this bandwagon of 'law of attraction' is leading people astray...

Our son was born and diagnosed with a rare cancer in May (hence my long silence). It was probably the most difficult period in my life, and am now, for the first time, touching ground again. Fortunately, our son is doing well; but alas, it is as if the Universe one day looked upon the billions of souls here on earth, and said: oh, there you are Jean Erasmus; let us give you a little something...we will give your son a rare cancer...

Malignancies in the newborn are extremely rare, and this also counts for neuroblastoma. In fact, less than 10 births per year in the UK are diagnosed with it. It is as if we've win a lottery; only this lottery brings angst and tears.

Life is not about manifested desires (believe me, I am one of the most idealistic and positive people on the planet). It is not about manifesting more money and romance etc. Life happens when you make those idealistic plans. I've said it before: Life is the ultimate school for transcending beings like us; making the shift from animal to spirit. Life is there to experience the sour and the sweet, and return with this elixir to where we came from one day...

Instead of forcing your desires upon the universe, rather allow your Inner Self to blow 'Thy Will' of the One Consciousness through you, and manifest the road you need to walk in order to grow spiritually.

Allign and Allow

Best wishes


Carolyn Wing said...

I am keeping you in my prayers. Carolyn Wing grandma to Laura Stage IV neuroblastoma page name LauraVDB

Jan-Stefan said...

Dear Jean,
My heart almost stopped when I read your blog entry.
I read the most amazing quote this morning. In 1787 Mozart wrote the following entry in a visitors' book in Vienna:
"Patience and tranquility of mind contribute more to cure our distempers as the whole art of medicine."
You are in my thoughts.