Friday, September 28, 2007

Today's UFO post

Here is the same video of yesterday scrutinized by a Japanese television network. With their slow frame replay, some of my points made yesterday, are clearer:

1) The vapour trail is seen when the craft first moves away from the building.

2) The camera operator does NOT know where it is.

3) It is quite far away from the helicopter already when causing it's second vapour trail.

Have a look at it again...


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My Article on

I have written quite an extensive article yesterday on this very topic (

In short, the reductionist western civilization (that is us), is accustomed to thinking in short bursts of linearity due to our empiricist scientific dogma. We always look for the easiest and most logical explanation; quick to deny anything that dares challenge our limited belief systems. If we get perspective, we will realise that our existence - not only our civilization, but also our species - is a mere second in the eternity of time. If geological records are correct, then our planet alone is billions of years old, rendering our 4000 year old civilization a mere speck of dust. We still haven't shaken the pre-renaissance egocentric belief that we are the centrepoint of the universe. In fact, we are on a planet that shares the universe not only with billions of other planets in our galaxy alone - our galaxy shares the universe with billions of other galaxies. We are not the be-all of all existence. This very narcissistic fog that permeates our minds, renders us blind to other, more serious possibilities.

As mentioned yesterday: our planet has it's own billion year old rhythms, regardless of our presence. It's climate has been following a 126 000 year pentacycle (divided into five roughly 25 000 year glacial-interglacial periods) faithfully for the past 400 000 years according to the Vostok ice core studies. At a frequency of roughly 126 000 years, it's climate reaches the peak of all peaks before the trough of all troughs, and we find ourselves on that very highest peak at present. This strangely synchronizes with the precession of the equinoxes, the diminishing strength of the electro-magnetic shield of the earth (which protects us against the sun and poses the is a precursor for a pole reversal, also happening every 126 000 years), and our entering into a denser area in space making the sun more active for the last 11 000 to 12 000 years (this itself synchronizing with one 'mini' glacial-interglacial cycle). Can you see the pattern here?

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not a Global Warming sceptic, quite the contrary. But I don't think us to be the primary cause for global warming. In fact: CO2 is a much less potent green house gas that methane, and methane is being released in critical amounts into the atmosphere by peat swamps, and now massive frozen pockets in the ocean. We are definitely contributing to Global Warming, but we are not the primary cause. That we are killing the planet's biosphere with our pollution and feverish consumption, is not even debatable in my mind.

We should thus get off our high horse, and start the critical thinking engine in our heads. We cannot afford to go to meetings and have discussions about this 'little' issue over a cup of tea. That is for the 'suits' - those 'leaders' of ours who always make promises they never keep; abusing the fear of Global Warming to suck the poor sheep more dry with so called 'green taxes'. Our 'leaders' are to addicted to the 'opium' of their consumerism, and as we all know, drug addicts will sell their children for one more 'high'.

This is a 'grass root' issue. The solution lies with each sane individual on this planet to connect and collaborate in order to survive the 21st century. You might think me too dramatic; but start putting all the puzzle pieces together - from climate to resource scarcity, to pollution, to over population and then the dreaded possible arms race between East and West - and soon you will realise that I am not dramatic enough.

If we all realise this, our collaboration should be focused on slowing down Global Warming, in order to buy time. We need to reprogram society to live sustainable now, as our consumerist nature is not much different from that of cancer: multiplying, consuming, spreading and destroying natural tissue. In the end, if we do not do this, the human cancer will kill the host, taking the cancer with her to the grave.
Global Warming is a serious issue, but we must not stare ourselves blind to only one hypothesis, let alone the other serious dangers that await us in the next decade.

Time is of the essence here, and we need to wake up as soon as possible...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today's UFO post

The following video has been hotly debated by the YouTube community - most of them sceptic, making abusive remarks about those who think it to be real.

The sceptics' main points are:

1) It is a SciFi channel hoax.
2) UFO's wont leave 'smoke' trails - they're too advanced.
3) 'Lame' acting by the 'actors'.
4) The camera man knows exactly where to point the camera.
5) The 'smoke' trail and the distance of the craft does not match.

These seem like reasonable points, but on closer examination of this remarkable video, one will find some clashes with these points:

1) The video was obtained and broadcast by the SciFi channel, and with my brief research so far, the original owner or video producer is not known.

2) With close observation, these trails will reveal itself to be condensation trails. It is seen initially when the craft moves away from the WTC at first. It is not known what kind of propulsion systems these anti-gravity machines might have, and might involve superconductors which could lead to condensation effects. It must also be noted that, never in modern cinema history has filmmakers thought of adding 'smoke' trails to a UFO as it would seem silly.

3) The point on lame acting is very debatable as normal day to day interactions between people are indeed 'acting' - closely observing people by using psycho-analytical skills, will soon reveal the 'mask' in front of the hiding persona. Most modern western people will indeed take a sitcom approach in their conversational style; notably so in the US and UK.

4) The 'cameraman' does NOT know where the craft is. The lady needs to show him where it has gone. With the quick approach of the craft, the viewing angle is much wider, and makes it easier for the camera to capture the image.

5) With freeze frame observation, it will reveal that the craft is moving so fast that it only started making the vapour trail when it was again well away from the helicopter.
6) Compressed videos are hard to judge.

I can also add that this clip was shown on national networks in other countries, notably so in Japan and some South American countries (as Mexico, for one, has many UFO sightings).

Is this clip real? I cannot say. But it is quite remarkable. If it is a hoax, very well done to those who need the credit - it is indeed a masterwork. If not, it needs closer investigation, especially in the light of numerous video footage showing UFO's during the 911 event (videos will follow). May I also remind you of the earlier news clip shown on my blog about the UFO sighting at O Hare airport (US). There is also a follow up video on that story (most of the video taking place between broadcast time - quite revealing).

Watch the clip, and judge for yourself.


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Climate Change and You

What we should do about Climate Change implies more than meets the eye.

The human being is an interesting creature: first of it’s kind to decide one day to stand up to it’s predators and take matters into it’s own hands. The first to not only to dream (like all intelligent animals do), but to communicate it’s dreams via language, art and myth. Through the ages of mental, social and spiritual evolution, science was born in many an age – from Egypt to India - and later chiselled and shaped into the science we have today: cold, hard, no-nonsense empiricism. This very science indeed has become one of the ruling dogmas of our western world, and thus we all think in reductionist terms – always looking for an answer that makes the easiest and most logical sense. This of course has it’s good points. But to all things in our universe, there is a flip side to the coin.

Climate change is one of those issues that cannot be approached empirically. Nature (and reality for that matter) – although mapped and researched extensively – is by far not an understood entity. It only takes a splash into the world of quantum physics to see that our very understanding of reality is hanging by a very thin thread. Chaos theory itself has shown that our universe is an infinitely complicated fractal pattern of quantum possibility – notably so in our climate.

We are all learning that climate change – through years of detailed research – is now a ‘reality’, and that the assumption is made that the human race is the cause for it. I do not doubt it for a second that we are contributing significantly to it, but the primary cause is very debateable.

Let me just quickly remind you that our current civilization – from Egypt to the present supermarket folk – is about 4000 years old, and that it is only in the last hundred years that we have really turned the page so to speak. Humankind itself has roughly been on the planet for about 100 000 years, but before that; we are at a bit of a loss. Now enter the Vostok ice drillings from Antarctica: a cylinder of ice drilled from the permafrost of the mysterious South Pole continent, revealing some data of our planet’s climate over the past 400 000 years. This data will reveal that the earth has gone through patterns of severe climate changes without the help of humankind. This pattern (especially when studying methane values, methane being a much more potent green house gas than CO2) will reveal that there has been a continuous cycle of roughly 126 000 years of glacial and interglacial periods. This pattern itself divided into 5 peak and trough cycles of plus minus 25 000 years each. The remarkable thing about this roughly 126 000 year pentacycle, is it’s first high peak, following a very low trough, slowly building it’s way up to the highest peak through the five 25 000 year peak and trough cycles. The most remarkable, is that we find ourselves right on the cusp of the highest peak in this very cycle, which means, that it should be the hottest period of the 126 000 year cycle.

‘Hypothetical’ causes for this almost fixed 126 000 year pentacycle are numerous. We have the precession of the equinoxes, where the earth’s tilted axis ‘wobbles’ like a spinning top. One such ‘wobble’ takes roughly 25 200 years: the time it takes for one of the mini-cycles of the 128 000 pentacycle to complete. Solar scientists have also noted the sun’s activity to be by far the most active it has been in the past 11 000 years (the time just after the last ice age). The reason for this probably being the entering of our solar system into a high density cloud as we orbit around the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, discovered by russian geophysicists. This energy cloud poses a pathway of resistance to the sun, and that of our atmosphere. With plain newtonian physics, we know that resistance causes friction, which in turn causes heat. It was also discovered that our electro magnetic shield is deminishing rapidly in strength, thus increasing the sun’s effects on our climate. This itself could be the precursor of a future pole reversal event which happens roughly every 125 000 years or so.

Let’s condense the above information into a more comprehensible elixir:

The earth has a roughly 126 000 year climate glacial-interglacial cycle, divided into five roughly 25 200 year ‘mini’ glacial-intergalcial periods. It takes a rough 12 000 years between a glacial (ice age) period to an interglacial (present climate) period, neatly fitting into one ‘mini’ glacial-interglacial period of 25 200 years. These elements neatly fit into the precession of the equinoxes.

Thus – when closely studied – we find ourselves as mentioned earlier, right on the cusp of the highest interglacial peak before the lowest trough in the 126 000 year cycle. This of course coincides with the weakening of our electro-magnetic shield (being the precursor of a pole reversal), which happens every 125 000 years or so (according to geological records).

And what does this imply you may ask. Well, it could be that we are right on the tip of the next , not only ice age, but the most severe one in 126 000 years; this superimposed on a scheduled possible pole reversal event.

Sceptics might ask, ‘how could there be an ice age when the earth is supposedly so hot?’ Well, there is the Gulf Stream hypothesis, and the 400 000 year glacial record data indicating a faithful pattern. Then again you might say, ‘not in our lifetime’. The answer to that is simple: according to paleoclimatologists, glacial-interglacial periods shift abruptly from one to the other. They mention the word ‘decade’ if you want clarity on the matter.

So, what should we do about Climate Change?

We need to get our heads out of the reductionist holes, and get objectivity on the matter. The time for debates and looking to our leaders for help is over. Our so called ‘leaders’ are too busy implementing ‘green taxes’; taking advantage of our fear and making more money from it. They will not help us. And our impact? We are surely speeding the whole process up. We are indeed racing towards our death in stead of walking; this worsened by our impact on our resources as well.

We are on the brink of a very impotatnt and possibly catastrofic event happening only once in 126 000 year periods, and we are arguing about solar power and bio-fuel; looking towards our politicians for help, like sheep to the butcher. We are facing extinction in the 21st century, and not only due to climate change, as there are numerous other threats to our survival.

We need to change our calculations to the time and space of this more than probable event, and plan accordingly.

Thus, the human race should abruptly stop it’s dabbling with trivial issues and its sibling rivalry. We all need to stand together, collaborate and plan to survive the storm on the horizon…

(I will soon post an article with practical potential steps we can take)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New UFO 'Episode'..

On today's UFO 'episode' if you will, I will not babble, but only show you three videos posted from three parts of the world - all with exactly the same UFO characteristics. Very interesting...

Ufo - Yosemite Park Area 51

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Ufo - Novosibirsk, Russia - 2006

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Ufo - P.D.R. CA - 1997

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Time for Objectivity is at Hand

Beneath all the glamour and glitter of the western world; the high street shops, perfumes, luxury goods and cosmetic surgery, there lies a repressed uncertainty in our minds and hearts.

It is in recent months that the 911 event, as well as the 7/7 attacks in London; have come under more and more scrutiny by the 'normal' people of the world - thus the you's and me's; the everyday man and woman slaving away each and everyday to lawfully pay our taxes and keep the mortgage boat afloat. These events - the fuel of our worst fears and 'justification' of a war that seems to have no reason except that of power and money - have been painstakingly dissected by engineers, physicists, explosive and demolition experts, 'fringe journalists' and many other keen observers; to reveal that all is not as it seems. There are at least 40 highly suggestive reasons that these acts of unnecessary violence and bloodshed was - just as in the case of numerous past events in the 20th century - a theatrical play; a spectre created to manipulate patriots and those who respect civil liberties and life itself. It was the trick of hand to fool the puppets into looking to the East, while the hand itself was robbing those very same puppets in the West. And as the justifications for an illegal war (as all wars are) looses foothold in an ever more enlightened and web 2.0 connected world, focus is quickly shifted to a more Eastern 'dragon'; with reminiscences of Cold War tactics, the shadowy figures behind the grinning and handshaking suits (while the world is dying), pull the strings in a last and desperate effort to keep their money flowing, for war is money in a globally controlled world.

But the unanswered questions remain. The foolish grins and sweep of the hand to silence young ones for asking the 'wrong' and revealing questions escalate, and so: the real enemy is slowly emerging from it's shadowy depths.
Divide and Conquer is the name of their game. Pit brother against brother, and rob them blind while they fight for deceptive justice that does not exist.

Look back into mankind's history: of all those thousands of battles fought between the Egyptians, the Romans, The Greeks etc. - who was right and who was wrong? While the emperor lay in his bed, eating grapes among his whores; his soldiers - innocent boys and men - were slaughtered for the sake of 'expanding the empire'. Is it so different now? We still have our gladiators fighting in arenas, we still have our gods and goddesses, and our emperors still eat their grapes.

The enemy is not those in the East or those in the West. The enemy is not the Christians, nor the Muslims. The enemy is not the blacks, Asians or the whites...the enemy is our own apathy and blindness to the dark ones dispersed in our societies. Follow the trail of social discontent, and there you will find them, neatly disguised as the ones we trust and rely on.

If one listens to the complete unedited United Nation speech of the head of the 'dragon of the East', then objectivity starts to filter in even more. Yes, he is just another politician, and yes Iran has serious issues that needs be addressed. But according to the words of a wise man round the years 30 CE: "He who has no sin, cast the first stone".

We need to wake up from our lazy slumber, and look for the truth not in the main stream media, nor from our politicians and church leaders. We have to find it amongst each other thus at the grass root level. We are the real people in the real world; we are all brothers and sisters of one planet that is in grave danger.

We have to look within, and find our true selves waiting to be discovered...

Click on the title for the non edit version of the speech, and be sure to visit

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The UFO phenomenon continues...

The UFO phenomena continued...
This is one of those many reports on the main media that feels like we (the sheep of the world), are being trickle fed some concealed truths.

Now, don't get me wrong - I am by no means a conspiracy theorist. I'm just a critical thinker, not swallowing any information whether it be from news agencies, scientists nor religious sects.

But over the years, the once laughed at notion of aliens and UFO's are slowly but surely becoming an everyday discussed topic, and even features on the news. It slowly seeps into our subconscious minds from fiction, to toys and now the main news. Also if one closely follow the Mars issue, it is seen. First Mars is described as a dead rock, then it has geological evidence of previous water, then water is discovered, and now - fossilised microbes.

Can you notice the pattern here? After today's video, I will post interviews with an ex-MoD, Nick Pope, on the real issue of UFO's, as well as video footage ranging from amateur to disclosed NASA footage.
Discussion on O"hare airport UFO

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Two Blogs Today...

We will continue with our exploration of the UFO phenomenon today, but first a quick blog on Iranian president Ahmedinijad's visit to Columbia University NYC...

This Q & A held in NYC is part of the small puzzle pieces in the mystery of the connection between war and banking cartels.

I am not an advocate of the Iranian state nor it's government; but one has to agree, president Ahmedinijad's eloquence and more open and intelligent response to questions compared to other politicians, shows that he is not the monster made out to be; neither a fool. He also encourages the idea to re-examine and activate critical thinking ranging about all issues from science, religion to history (though I find it a bit uncomfortable about the holocaust). He also stated - asked about the 911 issue - that if closely studied, 911 will reveal more than meets the eye.

This is indeed true: with re-examination of the US's involvement in WWI, was found that the German destroyed passenger liner was deliberately sent into harm's way; that the Nazi party destroyed their own parliamental building and blamed it on the Soviets to invade their territory; that Pearl harbour was a planned event, and that the cause for the Vietnam war was a blatant lie - evidence of these facts can be seen everywhere on the net (links will follow).

If one looks deeper, one will notice that war pays. It means money to the international banking cartel, as they lend money to governments at neck break interest rates. Closer study will also reveal that central banks are private; they are separate entities to governments and are above certain laws. Tracing back their origins will dig even more dirt up on links to sinister organizations and to present people in power you have trusted.

And how does this 'evil' villain Mr. Ahmedinijad fit into all of this? Why, he and his country needs to be villainified, as they are the next target for invasion (looking at scraps of comments by the French government and the UN on the main and controlled media). The fear filled citizens of the world need to nod their heads in agreement to this atrocious act (just as in the case of Afghanistan and Iraq); thus a monster is created to scare the people, and to be 'taken out' at the satisfaction of these scared folk.

But in the shadows behind the grinning faces, shaking hands as the cameras flash, stands the puppet masters. They are the real monsters pitting nations and different religions against each other to make more money at the expense of innocent lives, no matter what the colour or creed. A Muslim mother mourns no less about her killed children than a Christian, Buddhist or Hindu mother. As the saying goes: Divide and Conquer.

Watch this video (and others if you please) of the Q & A, and then explore further. There is a highly educational video on google called 911 mysteries, and a very revealing site called Activate your critical thinking tool in your head, and start looking at the world objectively. Soon you will notice that we are all the blinded sheep heading for the 'shelter' in the distance of the queue...

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Bizarre Case of Gary McKinnon (with video)

Our first controversial journey, will be that into the phenomenon of the UFO. We start our journey with the bizarre case of Gary McKinnon...

Gary Mckinnon is a 42 year old British computer system administrator who is accused of being the "greatest hacker of the US military of all time". What he did to be accused of this, was to sneak into the US military system via US military PCs, unprotected with a simple thing like a password! All he did was snoop around looking for evidence of UFO existence and concealed information on Free Energy. After two years of 'snooping around' he was caught by British Intel, and he initially faced a 6 month community service sentence. Soon thereafter, the US changed their cyber law, and the proposed sentence changed into one where Gary needed to be extradited to the US to serve a 60 year imprisonment in a maximum facility!

Now we have to ask ourselves: Why did the sentence proposal change so quickly, and why does a 42 year old British family-man who committed a very minor crime (by snooping around on unprotected PCs) need to be thrown into a foreign prison, sharing cells with murderers and rapists for trying to make public possible hidden truths?

Doesn't this over reaction from the US legal system in a sense prove that Gary might have found the secrets they were trying to keep from the public? Judge for yourselves in this next interview with Gary McKinnon...

Gary Mckinnon - Hacked US Military PC's Looking For Proof Of UFO's.

Time for a Change

My blogs will from now on change from random topics to more dedicated ones, with both script as well as multimedia content. These topics will be divided into 'episodes' or 'parts' to make it easier to view and 'digest' as they are quite 'heavy' issues, filled with questions that might just shake your belief system.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Time for Another Kid Genius!

Electric guitars and rock music may not be everyone's cup of tea, but rarely does one come upon something like this. The next informal electric guitar performance is by an eight year old boy who plays his instrument like a master. Not only does he skillfully play this instrument, he also fuses genres. He starts of with a very technical solo that transforms into a classical baroque piece which he then transforms yet again into a fusion of heavy rock, classical intonation (if listening carefully) and funk-rock solo technique only mastered after decades of dedicated practice. For the faint hearted - keep on going. It is in the end that the camera closes up on his hands, showing this prodigy's slight of hand and confident (and almost bored) stance. It is one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Very Helpfull Video

It is long, but very usefull. Just click on the Title, and you're there :)