Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Time for Objectivity is at Hand

Beneath all the glamour and glitter of the western world; the high street shops, perfumes, luxury goods and cosmetic surgery, there lies a repressed uncertainty in our minds and hearts.

It is in recent months that the 911 event, as well as the 7/7 attacks in London; have come under more and more scrutiny by the 'normal' people of the world - thus the you's and me's; the everyday man and woman slaving away each and everyday to lawfully pay our taxes and keep the mortgage boat afloat. These events - the fuel of our worst fears and 'justification' of a war that seems to have no reason except that of power and money - have been painstakingly dissected by engineers, physicists, explosive and demolition experts, 'fringe journalists' and many other keen observers; to reveal that all is not as it seems. There are at least 40 highly suggestive reasons that these acts of unnecessary violence and bloodshed was - just as in the case of numerous past events in the 20th century - a theatrical play; a spectre created to manipulate patriots and those who respect civil liberties and life itself. It was the trick of hand to fool the puppets into looking to the East, while the hand itself was robbing those very same puppets in the West. And as the justifications for an illegal war (as all wars are) looses foothold in an ever more enlightened and web 2.0 connected world, focus is quickly shifted to a more Eastern 'dragon'; with reminiscences of Cold War tactics, the shadowy figures behind the grinning and handshaking suits (while the world is dying), pull the strings in a last and desperate effort to keep their money flowing, for war is money in a globally controlled world.

But the unanswered questions remain. The foolish grins and sweep of the hand to silence young ones for asking the 'wrong' and revealing questions escalate, and so: the real enemy is slowly emerging from it's shadowy depths.
Divide and Conquer is the name of their game. Pit brother against brother, and rob them blind while they fight for deceptive justice that does not exist.

Look back into mankind's history: of all those thousands of battles fought between the Egyptians, the Romans, The Greeks etc. - who was right and who was wrong? While the emperor lay in his bed, eating grapes among his whores; his soldiers - innocent boys and men - were slaughtered for the sake of 'expanding the empire'. Is it so different now? We still have our gladiators fighting in arenas, we still have our gods and goddesses, and our emperors still eat their grapes.

The enemy is not those in the East or those in the West. The enemy is not the Christians, nor the Muslims. The enemy is not the blacks, Asians or the whites...the enemy is our own apathy and blindness to the dark ones dispersed in our societies. Follow the trail of social discontent, and there you will find them, neatly disguised as the ones we trust and rely on.

If one listens to the complete unedited United Nation speech of the head of the 'dragon of the East', then objectivity starts to filter in even more. Yes, he is just another politician, and yes Iran has serious issues that needs be addressed. But according to the words of a wise man round the years 30 CE: "He who has no sin, cast the first stone".

We need to wake up from our lazy slumber, and look for the truth not in the main stream media, nor from our politicians and church leaders. We have to find it amongst each other thus at the grass root level. We are the real people in the real world; we are all brothers and sisters of one planet that is in grave danger.

We have to look within, and find our true selves waiting to be discovered...

Click on the title for the non edit version of the speech, and be sure to visit

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