Friday, September 28, 2007

My Article on

I have written quite an extensive article yesterday on this very topic (

In short, the reductionist western civilization (that is us), is accustomed to thinking in short bursts of linearity due to our empiricist scientific dogma. We always look for the easiest and most logical explanation; quick to deny anything that dares challenge our limited belief systems. If we get perspective, we will realise that our existence - not only our civilization, but also our species - is a mere second in the eternity of time. If geological records are correct, then our planet alone is billions of years old, rendering our 4000 year old civilization a mere speck of dust. We still haven't shaken the pre-renaissance egocentric belief that we are the centrepoint of the universe. In fact, we are on a planet that shares the universe not only with billions of other planets in our galaxy alone - our galaxy shares the universe with billions of other galaxies. We are not the be-all of all existence. This very narcissistic fog that permeates our minds, renders us blind to other, more serious possibilities.

As mentioned yesterday: our planet has it's own billion year old rhythms, regardless of our presence. It's climate has been following a 126 000 year pentacycle (divided into five roughly 25 000 year glacial-interglacial periods) faithfully for the past 400 000 years according to the Vostok ice core studies. At a frequency of roughly 126 000 years, it's climate reaches the peak of all peaks before the trough of all troughs, and we find ourselves on that very highest peak at present. This strangely synchronizes with the precession of the equinoxes, the diminishing strength of the electro-magnetic shield of the earth (which protects us against the sun and poses the is a precursor for a pole reversal, also happening every 126 000 years), and our entering into a denser area in space making the sun more active for the last 11 000 to 12 000 years (this itself synchronizing with one 'mini' glacial-interglacial cycle). Can you see the pattern here?

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not a Global Warming sceptic, quite the contrary. But I don't think us to be the primary cause for global warming. In fact: CO2 is a much less potent green house gas that methane, and methane is being released in critical amounts into the atmosphere by peat swamps, and now massive frozen pockets in the ocean. We are definitely contributing to Global Warming, but we are not the primary cause. That we are killing the planet's biosphere with our pollution and feverish consumption, is not even debatable in my mind.

We should thus get off our high horse, and start the critical thinking engine in our heads. We cannot afford to go to meetings and have discussions about this 'little' issue over a cup of tea. That is for the 'suits' - those 'leaders' of ours who always make promises they never keep; abusing the fear of Global Warming to suck the poor sheep more dry with so called 'green taxes'. Our 'leaders' are to addicted to the 'opium' of their consumerism, and as we all know, drug addicts will sell their children for one more 'high'.

This is a 'grass root' issue. The solution lies with each sane individual on this planet to connect and collaborate in order to survive the 21st century. You might think me too dramatic; but start putting all the puzzle pieces together - from climate to resource scarcity, to pollution, to over population and then the dreaded possible arms race between East and West - and soon you will realise that I am not dramatic enough.

If we all realise this, our collaboration should be focused on slowing down Global Warming, in order to buy time. We need to reprogram society to live sustainable now, as our consumerist nature is not much different from that of cancer: multiplying, consuming, spreading and destroying natural tissue. In the end, if we do not do this, the human cancer will kill the host, taking the cancer with her to the grave.
Global Warming is a serious issue, but we must not stare ourselves blind to only one hypothesis, let alone the other serious dangers that await us in the next decade.

Time is of the essence here, and we need to wake up as soon as possible...

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