Monday, December 22, 2008

Festive Season

In this period of Christmas, holidays or winter solstice; whatever makes us feel comfortable, we often sit quietly and think about a certain archetypal person, be it the Christ, Buddha, B'ab, Krishna...we think of a pure hearted person or Plato's philosopher king, and wish secretly that such a person would come and save us.

But in truth, we are aspiring to the messiah within ourselves, the Inner Self that is still connected to divinity and light. May this year be the year that you find your Inner Messiah, and walk the path of your true destiny.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & Good Solstice...

Jean Erasmus

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This Cave Within...

I have come to realize that – no matter how much we try and fool ourselves – some part of us will always feel lonely; that part, unfathomable by others we know as our most inner sense of feeling. The pond within that ripples when the afternoon light falls on the trees, painting their windswept swaying leaves in gold and amber. The cave within that houses the childhood hopes and fears, ignited to flame as ambient sounds drift into our minds from afar...

But despair not, for that sacred place is yours alone...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


One cannot enlighten those not in search of the light, for they will see the light as a threat; first invoke in them the desire for the light, and enlightenment will follow on their journey.

J Erasmus

Friday, August 29, 2008

A Storm on the Horizon

Imagine being at a party with lots of booze and the usual bunch of people taking advantage of that surplus: being loud and rowdy; the air laden with smoke and cheap pick-up lines. You grow tired of the noise, and find some quiet time and fresh air outside, when suddenly noticing lightning on the horizon. You take a closer look, and realize that a tremendous storm is heading your way. You make your way into the party, trying to warn everyone to prepare; but alas, the warning falls on deaf ears...after all, you are ruining the party.
There is a storm on the horizon which very few people are aware off: the coming energy and resource crisis. It is a matter of simple mathematics: when a group of animals/ consuming individuals live in an enclosed resource system, the resources will become less as the consuming individuals become more up to the point of total depletion. This is the case with us as humans: being in the region of 6.68 billion, also being the creature that uses more resources per head than any other creature on the planet, we are quickly depleting our resources to the point where survivability is becoming less possible.

In a way, our 'party' of the last 100 years - where we nearly depleted millions of years of stored sunlight in the form of fossil fuel in only one century - is over as Richard Heinberg suggests. It is evident in the escalating fuel and food prices, the so called 'Credit Crunch'. In fact - as our whole civilization is built on fossil fuel - our failing global economy is a direct result of the frenzied oil consumption going bust. Our blind energy orgy has depleted the savings account for our children...not an easy thing to tell your grand children one day: sorry Jimmy, we partied away your future!
The only solution, is - first of all - not to fall into denial about this very evident fact: we are racing toward a future of depleted energy with 6.68 billion mouths to feed. We need to act on solutions now, or face a dire future. But as I am the ever optimist, believing in the innermost beauty of the human being, I think that this coming crisis will bring us together again. In fact, it is already happening amongst some communities, the so called transition communities: planing and acting on weaning themselves from the fossil fuel addiction, and teaching others.
I urge you to watch this lecture by Richard Heinberg.

Monday, August 4, 2008

About God's Existence

The question about God's existence, is an old one, and the path of it's debate probably worn out to the core; nonetheless, it is still an unanswered question, and still divides people in basically two main groups:

The 'No' Group

Those who answer 'no' to this question, usually fall into the reductionist/ empiricist group; those who say: if he existed (note they always 'existed', not 'exists'), why has he never shown himself, or they will say: prove it! A member of the 'yes' group will usually retaliate and ask: who created the universe (note, they use 'who', and not 'what'), and with triumphant smiles, the 'no' group answers that the universe came into existence by 'chance'.
Now, this 'chance' is a word applied to an interesting concept [all people's arguments are based on concepts in their minds; concepts that have been based on observation of our universe; almost like very strong opinions, as many of these 'proven' concepts, usually get challenged later in time]. Chance is nothing more, than a probability engine, this probability engine based on fractals, thus 'chaos theory'. Ironically, our universe is a fractal machine. Notice how everything you look at, is fractal: cardiovascular patterns, river deltas, trees, snowflakes, mountain ranges, lightning...all fractals; patterns within ever present patterns, ever similar, but never the same. It is this fractal machine, using vibrating M-Branes to shape fermions and bosons, shaping matter and energy, which in turn, shape this space-time 'reality' we call the universe. It is this very fractal machine, that creates life through a process (used by empiricists in their anti-God arguments) called Darwinism. But Darwinism is only the observation of the fractal machine's automated work.

Now, how did this fractal engine - which 'creates' ever similar patterns, thus everything we know, including ourselves - come into existence? To say that it came into existence by chance, is a conundrum. This suggests that another external or internal probability engine created this one we're finding ourselves in. How many of these are there then, and what 'made' them?
This to my mind, leaves a large gap in the 'No' argument. A further irony, is that the 'No' group, usually talks about the Western notion of God in arguments, and uses the literate words of the Creation Myth in one book, to point a finger at believers and say: this makes no sense if you look at the evidence of evolution. But how can these clever men and women of science not see that the Bible (and all other Holy Scriptures) are Mythical writings? How can they fail to see the metaphor for something that goes far deeper than the story of creation? Surely, they must be clever enough to understand the golden thread of comparative mythology, showing the one Monomyth of life?

This onesided and almost deliberate blind eye to the monomythical concept as well as not thinking beyond the automated fractal machine, limits their evolution as human beings severely. It simply places them in the opposite corner, rendering them team 'no' in the battle of ignorance.

The 'Yes' Group

The 'yessers', fall into a very wide category: from fundamentalist religious madmen (of all religions) to enlightened & open-minded scientists and mystics. Last mentioned, usually never try and prove the existence or non-existence of God; they simply enjoy 'being'. It is usually the fundamental groups that go slightly to severely berserk if the notion of the Existence of God is challenged. But to these, one must ask: why is it only your god that is the right god? Why do Christians, Jews and Muslims fight bloody wars, if they all believe in the God of Abraham, and essentially use the same Kabbalistic scriptures of the Torah? Come to think of it, why do Christian sections fight amongst each other? Does it really matter whether Christ was man or god? Isn't his teachings more important than he himself as he tried to teach his followers? Can't we see that all religions are based on the same stories all over the world; based on the monomyth of life? Can't we see that 'God', is the metaphor for the force we can never fully understand, the force that 'breathes life' into the fractal engine we call the universe?

Why are we all so deliberately blind to the obvious; so keen on creating melodramatic scenes, categorizing ourselves into groups in the corners, willing to fight to the death for our ignorant pop-dramas? Is it maybe because we ourselves, are falling prey to the monomyth: being the heroes and villains of the fractal engine, toying with us like puppets on strings?
Maybe this is the meaning of escape this automated fractal pattern of being clever primates, falling for the primate gene programming to choose sides, and fight for prey/ female/ land?

Maybe the time has come for some, to realise this and escape from the monkey-in-suit syndrome, and evolve into a higher being; a being en search for the origin of All?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Ironies of Supermarket Man: Weeds

When humans are innovative, cunning and excel on the planet earth, they deem themselves 'successful'. When plants or animals do the same, they are seen as weeds or parasites.

Take the Dandelion for instance: a little yellow flower that erupts on your precious lawn in summer, is seen as a pest of a weed. It has this 'damned' root that cannot be destroyed except with a weed killer. How dare this silly little flower erupt on our perfect lawns and 'spoil' it?

In fact, the Dandelion is a very valuable plant: that 'damned' root can be dried, roasted and milled, creating a caffeine free drink that resembles caramel coffee; simply delicious. The leaf can be cooked and eaten like rocket or spinach, and the flower can be made into a tea. It even has diuretic effects, aiding with blood pressure etc. The Dandelion is one example of many.

Supermarket Man has spun himself into this illusory, materialistic and super hedonist world, where everything is seen as a means to an end; that end being the exploitation of resources and conforming of nature to this picture-perfect hedonist paradise of infinite pleasures of the flesh. In the process, Supermarket Man is detaching itself from Gaia and his very own soul...he is in fact, missing the point of life, and becoming the weed himself.

Supermarket Man should just one day, stop and wake up to the already perfect existence around himself, unfortunately spoiled by grey concrete structures, smog and the sound of artillery intermingled with the screams of the wounded.

In between the glass, metal and picture perfect gardens, there is a profound stillness; a Hum of universal proportions silently but surely binding everything into one continuum. The Hum that flows through everything - including you, dear reader - quietly creating the Mystery of Life...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why Science alone cannot Produce the Answers

I sometimes wonder, where science became the initiator of reductionism; the 'art' of denying the Great Mystery of the Foutain of Life. The reductionist or empiricist, will almost always shoot down any notion of something mysterious; the 'feeling' of something nostalgic/ sad/ happy or those other feelings that can't be explained, bubbling up from inside at the mere thought of the possibility that; maybe...just maybe, science can't and will never explain some things in this complex fractal universe of ours.

A simple dwarf star emmits a mutlitude of radiation into it's surrounding space of 9 planets; some of this radiation penetrates the atmosphere of the third planet and falls onto its salty ocean. Nearby, on the edge of the landmass, sits a male Homo sapiens overlooking the event; the radiation reflecting from the ocean surface, penetrating his retina, sending electro-chemicals to his brain; and something happens in this male Homo sapiens...he 'feels' an achy warmth surrounding his 'heart' that stirrs him to shed tears as he gazes at the dancing diamond glaze; he 'misses' his female companion who died two years before, this being the spot where he asked her to be with him forever. He hasn't been interested in any other females ever since, and was at that moment contemplating of jumping off the edge of the landmass, ending his 'sufferring'; but alas, he turns around at the thought of causing his offspring - his little boy - more suffereing...

How does this empirically explain the 'selfish gene'? Better yet: why does a hippopotamus - filmed in South Africa - risk its own safety by chasing away a crocodile which attacked a little entelope, and sit by it, lifting the head of the entelope with its own, untill the entelope dies of its wounds?

There are many more such mysteries on this lonely 'third' planet in the vast universe of parts; mysteries that point a finger past the veil of illusion that blinds us from the Light that cast all these shadows; our collective mind being the leaves of the tree through which this Light shines.

Science is the study of these shadows; the study of the world above water, and reductionism being te side effect of failing to acknowledge the vast world beneath the surface. Science is only the one leg of understanding Being; the other leg, is the study of the Great Mystery.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Oh, there you are!

After a very long silent period, I break the ice with this: never assume that, because you follow tha narrow and just path, believing that you are a good person and therefore deserve good things coming your way, that it will happen like that. That is why I always feel that this bandwagon of 'law of attraction' is leading people astray...

Our son was born and diagnosed with a rare cancer in May (hence my long silence). It was probably the most difficult period in my life, and am now, for the first time, touching ground again. Fortunately, our son is doing well; but alas, it is as if the Universe one day looked upon the billions of souls here on earth, and said: oh, there you are Jean Erasmus; let us give you a little something...we will give your son a rare cancer...

Malignancies in the newborn are extremely rare, and this also counts for neuroblastoma. In fact, less than 10 births per year in the UK are diagnosed with it. It is as if we've win a lottery; only this lottery brings angst and tears.

Life is not about manifested desires (believe me, I am one of the most idealistic and positive people on the planet). It is not about manifesting more money and romance etc. Life happens when you make those idealistic plans. I've said it before: Life is the ultimate school for transcending beings like us; making the shift from animal to spirit. Life is there to experience the sour and the sweet, and return with this elixir to where we came from one day...

Instead of forcing your desires upon the universe, rather allow your Inner Self to blow 'Thy Will' of the One Consciousness through you, and manifest the road you need to walk in order to grow spiritually.

Allign and Allow

Best wishes

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Will be back soon...

Sorry for the slowdown in blogs; my wife and I are just at present working through a health issue with our son. Things will continue as normal as soon as things look brighter.

Best wishes

Jean Erasmus

Monday, April 21, 2008

BODY (health): Asthma simplified

Asthma is a common, multi-factorial respiratory condition that is associated with episodes of coughing and various degrees of breathing difficulty. It affects about 1 in 4 urban children, and can lead to death in serious cases.
Asthma is characterized by chronic 'background' inflammation of the upper to mid airways (bronchi), resulting in congested, mucous filled airways with episodes of acute flare-up, causing severe coughing and airway restriction (wheezing). This inflammation [inflammation: response by cells to 'non-self' elements such as chemical compounds, micro-organisms and radiation] is caused by two main factors:


Some people are born with a genetic predisposition where their immune system will 'over react' to external factors, causing the inflammatory response in the upper and mid airways associated with asthma. Thus, it could be said that asthma 'runs in families', and is an important question by a medical practitioner when first examining a patient.

* EXTERNAL FACTORS (most common)

There are various external factors that could cause asthma, but the following are the most common found:
Chemicals such as sulfuric, nitrous and volatile organic airborne and ingested chemicals. Pollutants, most notably Tobacco smoke & micro fibers of synthetic carpets in the average home. Allergens like pollen, dust mite excrement and dry airborne animal saliva. Micro-organisms such as various respiratory viruses, fungal spores & bacteria are also causes.
As mentioned earlier, these external as well as internal factors cause the 'background' inflammation, which then could be changed into an acute 'attack' where the threshold between chronic life sustaining, and life threatening will be crossed. This could be due to a higher intake of the above-mentioned factors, or triggered by mainly exercise, laughter or cold air. It is also usually present in the early hours of the morning due to a drop in bodily steroid production.


Asthma is usually a chronic condition with episodic acute episodes. These two factors have different presentations. In the chronic phase, common symptoms are dry to 'wet' coughing; breathlessness & failure to thrive in children. Signs often only include a 'pigeon chest' in young children as well as delayed milestones. In young adults, there could be prolonged expiration times and occasional wheezes with auscultation. Mostly, asthma is first diagnosed after an acute episode, with symptoms including severe coughing, difficulty in breathing and a feeling of panic; and signs of anxiety, laboured breathing with polyphonic wheezes and rapid heart rate with engorged neck veins.


It is vital to treat an acute attack as an emergency by ensuring an open and viable airway and administering 100% humidified oxygen, Beta-2 stimulants and fast-acting intravenous cortico-steroids. It is also vital to remove and/ or treat any causing factors if at all possible.
In the chronic phase, it is of utmost importance to start with preventative measures, thus, by avoiding causal factors. Ironically, the most common factors will be found in one's home; tobacco smoke and especially synthetic carpets being the culprit [carpets - especially synthetic ones as their static attracts particles - are saturated with all kinds of pollutants]. Smoking should never occur indoors, and carpets should be replaced by solid flooring. If this is not possible, carpets should be vacuumed daily with a proper vacuum cleaner (with HEPA filters cleaned regularly), in the absence of the asthmatic person, leaving the house open to 'air out' for a while. Bedding should also regularly be washed and dried properly, with mattresses aired and dried in the sun on occasion. Foods containing preservatives (especially nitrate and sulfide containing ones) should be avoided. In conjunction with the utmost important Primary Health Aspect mentioned above, drugs such as long acting cortico-steroids and Beta-2 stimulants can be prescribed. It is also important for the asthmatic to always carry a fast acting Beta-2 stimulant inhaler as well as a Medic-Alert bracelet with his or her condition inscribed.


Early onset asthma has a strong tendency to diminish or even disappear into adulthood, while late onset asthma usually sticks around like a bad habit. This can also be ascribed to the misdiagnosing of other respiratory diseases closely mimicking asthma in adults.


If one takes Reiki principles into account, respiratory problems - notably so in asthma - is on a mental level, secondary to a repressed sense of failure to accept life force, or that what the Universe has to offer. Thus, those who always decline something good coming their way, feeling guilty of accepting 'freebies'.

Indeed, if we take a closer look at the new field of psychoneuroimmunology, it is clearly seen how different aspects of personality and mental attitudes will lead to certain diseases (such as the reduction of Killer-T cells in Type C personalities; rendering some prone to cancer as an example).

This shows again how health is not merely a case of the reductionist 'this equals that' slapped with pharmaceuticals; but requiring a careful, empathetic and holistic approach.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

BODY: The Health Dangers of Carpets

Dust Mites and Mold in your carpets.

Most of us love our carpets: they keep our feet warm during those dreadful winter months; we relax on them in front of our fire-places; our babies frolic around on them...

Little do we know just how unhealthy they could be:

Most carpets are made from synthetic fibres, and not well seated fibres at that. These micro fibres will - due to their static nature - attract all kinds of pollutant particles: from dry pet saliva to all the city-street surface particles, unseen by our eyes. These fibres become airborne with our activities, and we inhale them deeply, blissfully unaware.

"Nothing a good vacuum cleaning job won't fix", you might remark. However, if we would to think on a microscopic level for an instance; shrink ourselves right down to the level of each carpet fibre being the size of a tree...ooh, you will have nightmares dear reader: dust mites the size of tigers, dry rocks of bodily fluids carried in by your pets and your slick city shoes; all deeply embedded into the core of the carpet. Most vacuum cleaners simply skim the top 2% or so. And to add: ever smelled that dusty smell after a vacuum cleaning session? Yep, all that grizzly micro contents of your carpet have simply been lifted and made airborne by the 'good 'ol cleaner' in your hands; the filtration system simply not good enough.

Carpets are especially bad for the little ones crawling around on them, and more even so for asthmatics.

Then what are we to do?

Wall to wall carpets are a bad idea (even non-synthetic ones: they all trap debris over months to years). Solid flooring in the shape of sustainable wood, bamboo, tiles (or laminate, synthetic yet again - last option) is a good idea; with underfloor heating to break the winter cold (underfloor heating is more effective than other forms of central heating). Loose natural cotton and or bamboo carpets can be strategically placed, but with a condition: CLEAN REGULARLY.

And if it's simply out of the question to remove carpets due to financial reasons (believe me, I understand: the Credit Crunch is here to stay); then at least invest in a proper vacuum cleaner (names are not important, the working is). A strong machine = a better clean (but unfortunately also eats electricity). Get one with a HEPA/S filtration system. It is also important to regularly clean the vacuum cleaner (with a mask in a draft away from your breathing). You'll think me a health nut; but as soon as you really look into the matter - study that grey dust that falls from the HEPA filter - you will understand my concern. The loose mats can be cleaned in the same way, or beaten like a pinãda; and left to air out in the sun (the UV rays of the sun kills most dust mites and fungi).

After the vacuum session, leave the house open to air out for a while.

Next post: asthma made simple...

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Change of Heart (and mind)

After a long silent period, I blog forth, albeit with a difference: no more 'actavistish' anarchist colours will permeate my writing. I have suddenly had a change of heart over the last few months: my anger with our severely failing and disappointing governments and other self-made bureaucratic institutions (traps) have changed into a 'can't be bothered' situation. They are mere symptoms of a failing and transient civilization, as with Egypt, Rome, Greece and Ancient China, they will crumble and fall, and be replaced by a better one (I hope). I realized that it is inevitable to try and stop the out-of-control train from storming over the cliff. Best is to tell as many passengers (willing to listen) that this is the case, and get off yourself, waiting for, or building the next.

This change of heart came due to many reasons. Mostly it was due to realizing - after years of blood, sweat and tears - that the majority of people just don't listen to moral reason. They never have, as they are too caught up with the 'bling-bling' of the zeitgeist and especially their own shadowy egos; so why waste time and energy on a deaf, self-destructing mob of self-obsessed primates in designer clothing, drinking Cafe Latte in some fancy franchise? I would rather spend some time with my loved ones and give my pearls of wisdom to the very few individuals who ask for them. A wise world teacher has indeed advised not to throw one's pearls to the swines; not to sow one's seeds on dry and infertile land.

Thus, no more waving of the red flag, shouting 'DANGER!'. Nope, enough is enough. I will sit quietly under a nearby tree, and watch the mob run over the cliff like the rats of Hamlin, blindly following the magical flute with greedy foaming mouths. There certainly will be those who will use their gifts of critical thinking, moral reason and accountability and exit the self-destructing mob before tumbling over the cliff...

In the meantime, I will write in a positive light only; giving advice on love, life and health. So feel free to come and collect your pearls, and share yours with me.

Giving & Receiving is after all the greatest gift of the Universe...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Sad, sad day...

Today, my favourite film director - Anthony Minghella - has passed away at the age of 54. His films, such as English Patient, Talented Mr. Ripley and Truly, madly deeply were of the most honest and touching films I have ever seen. I so looked forward at more profound films from this great story-teller; but his brilliance stops with 'Breaking & Entering'.

It feels as if I lost a great friend. It is a sad day for the world: with all it's glitter, glamour and mere money making mechanics, not many honest artists such as Anthony remain.

He will be missed by many...

Friday, March 7, 2008

True Love - what is it?

"I love you" easily said, yet, very few of us really understand love for what it is.

Love to some, is what you feel for a child, spouse or parent. To others, it is that tingly sensation when touching a lover for the first time, or the butterflies you feel at the pit of your stomach when he or she looks at you in a certain way. For most of us, love often 'hurts'.

When it 'hurts', it is not love. Love cannot hurt. Love is not a feeling. The 'feeling' of 'love' is something else entirely. Think about it: if you feel 'love', you feel a warm sensation in your chest; and when you 'hurt', you feel a nagging pain-like sensation in the same area - your chest. This also applies to excitement or fear, felt in the pit of the stomach; or when repressing sadness & anger, felt as 'pain' in the throat. Interestingly, these all coincide with the chakra or energy foci of the body (which in turn, coincide with local important neuro-endocrine structures) as well as to their attributes: according to ancient yoga and Tantric texts; the 'heart' chakra is the centre of expressing love and gratitude; the solar plexus chakra is the centre for motivation and ambition; and the throat chakra the centre for communicative expression. It seems then that - as the eyes, ears and other three senses of the body senses the physical universe around us from light to sound - the chakras sense more subtle energies. As we experience the narrow window of electro-magnetism (from 400 to 700 nm) & pressure differences in air (from 20 to 20 000Hz) as 'sight' and 'sound'; so we experience this sensing of subtle energies as 'emotion'.

Then just what IS love?

What we call 'love' is subtle energy flow from one being to another. When a person has the intention of absolute benevolence toward another being (from plant to person), subtle energy flows from the enfolded or 'spiritual' dimension through mind. This flow will be sensed as 'love' by your cardiac energy focus or chakra. The receiver of this benevolent energy (if sensitive enough) will also sense it with the same chakra, and respond accordingly to this 'positive' energy. When someone does the opposite, thus retrieve or take energy from another being or person; this will be felt as 'hurt'. This phenomenon can also be seen in water-crystal formation (as researchers Dr. Masaru Emoto et al. has shown).

Love is thus GIVE & RECEIVE; not TAKE. When you hug someone because you want to be loved, then you TAKE and do not GIVE. This is why so many will pull away from your hug: they can sense you TAKING from them. Love is when you hug someone to GIVE. Love is when your partner leaves you for another person; and you - instead of going on a rampage, destroying everything in your path due to a jealous rage - you let him or her go, and are happy for them. Yes, of course you will be sad and miss them; but love is letting go when the time is so. You are giving back to the universe this person that you shared a life with; and in return, you will receive something far greater when the time is right.

Can you do this? Do you love your partner, child or friend this much?

Love is subtle vibration from within, flowing through a beautiful mind. Anything not.

See details of chakra-emotion concept in 'The Sleeper Must Awaken', p 147.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Improving Relationships using Vibratory Harmony, Pt II

We continue with the concept of improving relationships using Vibratory Harmony - once understood, it will be so much easier applying it to daily life:

We understand that our universe as well as ourselves - as we are a seamless part of this universe - is an illusory ocean or symphony of vibration; ourselves being songs in this symphony. We understand this through the new concept of M-Theory, and the integration of this 'new' scientific thinking with the remarkable similarities to Kabbalah and Tantra (ancient scientific thinking).


But what is vibration really? All the New Age guru's talk about it, but hardly ever explain it. Vibration is - in essence - variation in space-time, in all perceived and non-perceived dimensions. Vibration are waves; waves being the difference in illusory locality and frequency on an illusory timeline. Waves have amplitude or volume (strength), frequency (wavelength) and an 'envelope' or shape, which predetermines the look our sound of the manifested wave (as in sound, trumpet and piano waves 'look' different in their envelopes). In simpler terms: vibration and waves are ripples made by consciousness in a space-time dimension (like a stone shaping ripples in a pond).

Schematic, 2 dimensional representation of sound envelope.

But how dies this apply to you, you might ask. Well, the moment you were conceived, a part of consciousness (The One) that has the etheric and astral memories of your prior selves; extended or projected into the 3d dimension via your parents' combined DNA, and created a ripple, which expanded (not unlike the Big Bang - as above so below), shaping through 'time' the human being you are today. You are a conglomerate of complex projected vibration in space-time; your vibration constantly changing in response to 'outer' vibration (thus your perceived world), and 'inner' vibration (thus your multi-dimensional 'inner self' connected to Consciousness). In essence, your DNA is the originator 'sound' envelope (genotype), and will manifest a complex wave pattern in 3-dimensions perceived as your body (phenotype) - thus in 'movie' terms, your DNA is the film, your body is the projection and the light is consciousness. Cymatics* (the study of how sound changes the nature of our 'physical' world; thus the fermionic vibration of our universe) sheds more light on this.

Geometric shape of a specific sound in matter (mandala).

The geometric shape of the vocal sound 'aah'.

Vibration in Relation

And how does this link with relationships? Relationships are just a limited word, thought out by yester-year man to describe the action-reaction phenomenon between vibratory life-forms such as yourself.

Think about it: when you see something, you perceive light vibration reflected from 'objects' (being vibration themselves). When you hear something, you perceive sound vibration as created by something (like a voice), created by another person, created by his or her thoughts. This stimulates your thoughts, and you react in return with a vibratory response in thought, movement and sound. This is how we 'relate' to one another.

When someone is upset (in reaction to outer stimuli), he or she will respond or react to this outer vibratory stimulus in a certain way that might not be in accord with you (remember harmony in music); in other words, this person's words and actions (thus rough outer creations of his or her thoughts) will 'clash' with yours. The two of you are thus 'singing' out of tune with one another, and will cause an unpleasant 'sound' or disharmony. When you understand this, you could change your own vibration to better suit the situation.

When anger is expressed (high amplitude and frequency wave), and in return, responded to with anger, the intensity of the wave will be increased two-fold due to super-imposing of the waves. This will be like an explosion. It is better to respond with the opposite of anger - a low frequency and low amplitude wave - cancelling the anger wave by superimposition. This is usually the feeling of what we call 'love'. Even the thought of love - thoughts being the original waveform - will calm the situation down.

But: what is love really? We often use the term Love; but mostly it is confused with jealous obsession leading to drama.

In the next post, I will discuss what love really is...

*Jenny, Hans: Kymatik: Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/Cymatics: The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations, Basilius Press, 1967, p. 10

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Improving Relationships using the concept of Harmonic Vibration, Pt I

As seen in previous posts, our concept of reality must change in order to 'see' our world and ourselves in a clearer light. When we understand our true state of being, then only can we improve ourselves and the world.

A Recap on the Vibratory nature of Being

When we cast aside our learned social presumptions about the reality we experience around ourselves everyday, we will realize that the ancient ones were correct when referring to our world as an illusion. In ancient Yogic, Tantric and Kabbalistic scripts; the world was likened to the metaphoric use of divine sound or the words of God. In the Veda is stated: In the beginning there was the Word, and the word was Brahman. This is reflected in John 1:1 as well: In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was God. In Kabbalah (of which the Sepher Yetzira and Torah are found in Christian, Muslim and Jewish scriptures), it is stated that, in the beginning, God spoke the three primal words: A, M and Sh. In tantric cosmogenesis, the universe was brought into existence by Purusha (the One consciousness), and gave rise to three primal gunae - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. All these ancient texts base their knowledge upon the fact that we and our universe is mere illusory vibration. ^

Take modern physics, noticeably so with M-Theory (which is still frowned upon by conservative physicists): all matter (fermion based) are mere different frequencies of vibrating M-Branes in 11 dimensional space. Funny, Kabbalah mentions 11 dimensions as well, and even has names for all of them! ^

When considering your body (and the whole universe for that matter), is made - as mentioned in earlier posts - from fermionic (thus asymmetric spinning) wave form, called atoms. Your whole body - just like the earth - is enmeshed with electro-magnetic activity. Your heart emits electro-magnetic waves (EKG monitored) at a constant beat, traceable by sensitive equipment up to 10 meters from your actual body. So does your brain (EEG monitored). Electro-magnetism, is wave = vibration. In fact, there are 7 major areas in your body that constantly emit these electro-magnetic waves: the 7 major so-called chakras of the body which together, shape the 'aura' (captured on film with Kirlian photography). These chakras all have their own frequency ranges and positions, and 'coincide' perfectly with neuro-endocrine systems of the body as well as the Pythagorean Lambdoma (see The Sleeper Must Awaken for the details).

Harmonic vibration as key to relationships

Harmony in music - not unlike harmony as thought of in relationships alone - is based on the Greek word harmonia, which means to be joint or in accord. The concept of harmony in music is - to cut to the chase - the study of how to place different interval notes (different frequencies of sounds), in such an order, that it 'sounds' good or pleasant to the ear. Many studies have shown how certain types of music can influence from plant welfare and ice-crystal formation to delta-wave creation in human brains (see the study of cymatics by Dr's.Jenny & Masaru et al*).

The reason for this is quite simple: harmonic music, is vibration in air current that creates beneficial resonance in surrounding vibratory forms (thus fermions or matter - the stuff we are all made from). When sound or music becomes disharmonic, it creates havoc in surrounding waveform. Sound or waveform, can thus heal, or destroy, depending on the harmonics used and projected. Ancient ones also knew about this, and can be seen in concepts such as mandalas, which are cymatic representations of the different frequencies in chanting.

This is true for all other waveform as well, especially so with our thought forms creating harmonic or disharmonic electro-magnetic waves that can either resonate in a beneficial way with others' waveform, or not. This is the root of relationship struggles as well as the improvement of relationships - from individual to global level.

Unfortunately, we always try and move the projection, which is impossible. We need to know where the projected problem comes from, and solve it at 'projector level', which is beyond our body-brain concept. It lies in the deep levels of mind, the light beam of the projections from 'spiritual level'.

In Part II, we will take a closer look at just how to improve relationships from a deeper level.

* Jenny, Hans (1967). Kymatik. ISBN 1888138076
* Good Vibrations, Joyce McLaughlin, American Scientist, July-August 1998, Vol: 86
Nmbr: 4 Pge: 342,

^ See The Sleeper Must Awaken for comparative and integrative explanations.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Understanding 'Ego' and improving relationships

Ego is seen and understood differently by many schools of thought. It was thought by Freud to be the Ich, thus 'I'; and many people think of their ego as being the Self. But let's take a different look at 'ego' or the Self.

Thinking about thinking

If you think about yourself, what do you define as 'yourself'? What makes you 'you'? Most of us see our bodies and brain as Self (reductionists thinking that 'this is it', nothing more to it). Concepts like 'mind' and 'spirit' are words given to ideas that arose from some thinkers who dared cross the 'normal' threshold of 'thinking'; thinking about thinking and wondering about wondering. Try it now: try to trace back your thoughts from their origin. Each and everyone, going 'back' and 'back' into a non-existent place, that simultaneously feels never ending. Thinking deeper about this concept of thought, you will also realize that thoughts are not 'separate'; they are not packets of separate things, but 'phases' of something (or nothing) that flow into one another from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously. Think about this for about one minute...

Have you realized that thinking about this made you forget about 'you' for a while? 'You' were somewhere 'inside' the thing (or body) you perceive to be 'you'. Can you feel that difference?

Inside and out

There is an inside and an outside to 'you'. The inside is a mysterious place; the place where your thoughts, fantasies and dreams dwell; a place that seems to lack time and space or 'reality' for that matter - but yet, you are aware of it.The outside is what most others perceive to be 'you': how you look as a physical being, what you wear, how you keep your hair and mannerisms you have as the 'you' you know yourself to be. But, what makes you wear that particular style of clothes? What makes you listen to the music you listen to, and watch the movies that you do? What makes you the way you are now? Why does it differ from others, and is it permanent, or could it be changed?

It is interesting to see how some 'wonderful' people will turn into devils with fortune and fame (while others don't), and how some bastards will change into saints with a near death experience etc. Even in the case of profound hallucinogenic experiences (such as seen with Dr. Rick Strassman's research with DMT), have people changed their ways to such an extent that it defies logic. Does this then answer the question "could 'ego' be changed"? And what about the question "why are you the way you are"? Take a deep hard look at your past (since birth) and notice what external influences played a major part in the shaping of what you call 'yourself'. You will be surprised to see (if not in total denial) just how much parents, teachers, peers, television and music played it's part; but also how you chose to respond to these external stimuli, pre-programmed by your first impressions as a child in your particular home, town, state, country and time. All these factors coincide to shape you into what you are today; and indeed still shapes you - have you noticed looking at your pictures over the years, how your taste in hairstyles and clothing has changed? We are all completely influencable, and very unaware of this.

The reason for gullibility

We need to change our views of ourselves and the universe that we perceive to be 'real'. We are all made from atoms thus fermions, which in essence is asymmetric waveform. This makes us all forms of vibration in a larger cosmos of vibration, thus, songs in a larger symphony. If we are vibration, then we will follow the principles of resonance: falling in with surrounding vibration. It is like the phenomenon of two similar glasses standing next to one another - make the one vibrate, and the neighbour will vibrate as well; change the one's frequency by adding water, and it will stop resonating with the other. In return - being vibratory forms - we are the same. We resonate with our surroundings; from the family home, to school and society in general: the French tend to share cultural qualities which is different from Americans. If you would to grow up in Africa, you would be different as well. These 'resonances' - our response to 'external' stimuli in which we are vibratory dispersed in - is what shapes the so-called ego. And as we have seen earlier, is changeable.

The function of ego

Then why do we have and ego? In very basic terms, ego can be seen as a programmable operating systemhelping you interact with 'reality' as a human being: from language to mannerisms to keeping up with the social trend. It is the thing which makes you a fairly functional part of the society you find yourself in. Thus, ego is merely a part of 'you', and not you per se. It can be a 'good' thing (as operating systems go), but could equally be dysfunctional, harming yourself and others around you. Some of us have an ego 'programmed' to be 'lower' than others' and vice versa. If it is in 'lower' mode, we tend to be submissive to others and society in general, causing stagnation in life and repressed anger, breaking out as depression, certain diseases (such as certain types of cancer: see psychoneuroimmuology's linking of Type C personalities, suppression of T-Cells and cancer) or worse, campus shootings. When programmed to be 'higher', we get individuals who 'bully' others ranging from a small a scale (such as snob-ism and domination at work or home), to a more serious scale, such dictatorships and serial killings. Groups of people share a collective ego as well: from religious groups to Gothic death-metal fans and towns to nations. These collective egos can do just as much damage - look at cases such as the Waco incident, the continuing burning of churches in Norway and more severely, genocide as was seen with the holocaust.

If we can understand that ego is a mere part of our multi-dimensional selves, forming a kind of 'bridge' between our inner and outer worlds; that it helps us interact with the world around us and is changeable - then we can balance our egos, and make it interact better with others' egos.

This will lead to better relationships - from individual to international level - if applied correctly (as we will look into in a later post).

Zorrilla, E. P., Luborsky, L., McKay, J. R., Rosenthal, R., Houldin, A., Tax, A., McCorkle, R., Seligman, D. A., & Schmidt, K. (2001). The relationship of depression and stressors to immunological assays: a meta-analytic review. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 15(3), 199-226.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Better Understanding of Mind, Body and Spirit


A lot is said and written about mind, body and spirit. It even has its own genre on the book shelf. But how many of us truly understand this triumvirate concept fully?

In the next essay, I will - as explained at length in my book The Sleeper Must Awaken - give a shorter version of my views on this important concept.

If one truly understands this triumvirate, it could prove life altering.

The Body-Mind-Spirit union and Oneness

Before tackling this triumvirate concept, it is important to understand the concept of Oneness. Again, so many write about it and say: all is One. But most never truly think or meditate upon it.

Let me start with a crude metaphor: in your living room, you will sit quietly while the sun is shining through the window, gently baking on your lap. You look around and see a few things you own; like the TV, stereo etc. Apart from that, you experience your living room as empty. But this is only because you cannot 'tune in' to everything in that living room.

In that very 'quiet' living room of yours, you will find all possible radio as well as TV station radio frequencies occupying the same 'space'. There is also the millions of Internet data transfers happening via cellular microwave frequencies and WiFi radio frequencies. The very sunlight falling unto your lap is not just mere sunlight; it is a plethora of visible as well as invisible electro-magnetic frequencies, ranging from visible light to infra-red and ultra-violet, to x- and gamma rays, intermingled with the odd neutrino now and then. There are sub and ultra sound frequencies from various earth activity, and so it goes.

Best of all: all this inaudible and invisible 'noise' mentioned above is only in the 3d dimension. I haven't even touched the other dimensions yet.

My point is this: even though you cannot see or hear all of this 'noise', it is there, part of your world. As a matter of fact, you are not separate from it. All that 'noise' is in fact vibration, just like your body (explained later) as well as your brain waves, transmitted or broadcast into space and time.

But the interesting thing about 'Space & Time' is this: it is an illusion. It is a mere spectre, projected from a deeper 'unseen' dimension' as can be seen from David Bohm's explanation of Alain Aspect experiments done in Paris in the 1980's* - electrons separated from their 'mother' atom, will 'communicate' with each other faster than the speed of light, which violated Eistein's relativity theorem. David Bohm (a physicist and contemporary of Einstein) postulated that there is no such thing as 'separateness'; that separateness is only an illusion of 'enfolded space' observed by us.

Imagine this: you are sitting in a little boat on the ocean with two icebergs; one in front and another behind you. Then, suddenly 'God's Hand' will come from the heavens, and press on the iceberg's tip in front of you. Suddenly, the iceberg behind you also moves, and you wonder: how can both icebergs move if only one was touched by the 'Hand of God'?

But if you would to dip your head under the surface of the water, you would notice that it is indeed one iceberg with only two little exit points above the surface!

Indeed, our consciousness mostly drifts in a little boat on the surface of the universe; very few of us noticing this...

This is how we (and EVERYTHING else) are connected: we are all connected in a hidden 'inner' dimension/s; our bodies merey the tips of the One iceberg.

Now, let's play 'reductionism made simple', and see body, mind and spirit in the falsified 'seperate' mode.


As mentioned above, our bodies, and all the 'seperate' things here on planet earth, are the tips of the iceberg called Oneness. Let's investigate the Body:

Consider your own body. It is made from trillions of cells - like bricks of a house. Each cell - a miraculous self-sustaining micro-machine - will be made out of organelles. These organelles made from molecules, made from atoms. Atoms consist of Neutrons and Protons at the center, and Electrons surrounding the center in a cloud of uncertainty (Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg). These sub-atomic 'particles' as a group, are called Fermions: M-Branes with an asymmetric wave function. These make up the 'physical' part of our universe, as well as your body.

We also get Bosons: symmetric wave M-Branes giving 'birth' to elements carrying 'energy' of our universe - from light to gravity (postulated by M-Theory).

And this is your 'body': a single melody in a symphony of fermionic and bosonic vibration called the universe of the 3d dimension. But there is more to this body of yours...

The fleshy part of your body - thus the only one you're aware of - is only the 3d dimensional part of the mutliverse occupying YOU/ SELF. In Tantra, Yoga and many other ancient scriptures, the body was divided into many seamlessly integrated 'parts' called the physical, etheric and astral bodies. This idea is better understood by Astral Expert Robert Bruce, who wrote an excellent book called Astral Dynamics, in which he explains this concept well.

In short, your physical body is only the densest frequency of the many of your 'body', occupying the same space-time. It is again like your living room, where only one radio station can be heard when you tune into that particular one, although there are thousands of others occupying the same living room. At present, most of us are tuned into Radio Real (dense, physical, linear, temporary). Most importantly: the physical body is a projection from the 'inner' dimensions, and this is where we come to...


Mind is the projection's light-beam. Mind is the 'bridge' between your 'body' (and the physical universe) and Spirit (the inner dimension or projector).

Mind is thus something that could be influenced, just like a bridge, transmission line or light-beam: it could be filtered, refracted or worse, severed.

Mind is thus the important umbilical chord between Body (physical universe/ outer dimension) and Spirit (non-physical universe/ inner dimension). This is why it is so important to learn to 'tame' and condition one's mind. If not, it will fall prey to oher controllers (and believe me there are many), and thus control you body (through Ego - later on this), and thus in collation with others, will affect the outcome of 3 dimensional reality on earth.


Spirit is the Light Source; the everlasting Universal Energy and Consciousness. It is 'neutral' in the sense that it cannot be fully understood by a simple projected 3 dimensional being with primate DNA (such as ourselves), without transcending the dense 3 dimensional 'world' and body. It is unfathomable with a mere human brain. All that can be said, is that it is the Source of everything: from simple M-Brane to atom, molecule, cell, organism, eco-system, planet, solar system and universe in all different dimensions at once. 'God' is what most of us metaphorically call it, and the way in which we describe 'God' with our religions, falls short of what Spirit really is by a billion miles to the power of a billion.


Body, Mind & Spirit is a triumvirate, interwoven One with different frequencies occupying the same 'space-time' aspect. It is seamlessly connected to one another and the Source of everything, with Body being the illusory 'separate' pinnacle in this dense dimension and Mind the bridge to Spirit, the Source of all.

When one understands this more clearly, then one can move consciousness to a deeper level 'within', and get a more objective, non-linear & non-local perspective of oneself and the profound interconnection not only with other human beings, but to the multiverse entirely.

* Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of Bell's Inequalities, A. Aspect, P. Grangier, and G. Roger, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 49, Iss. 2, pp.91-94 (1982)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

What Life is Really All About

The everlasting question; the everlasting 'Why' , resonates in most of our heads on a daily basis - be it conscious or none: what is the meaning of life?

Everyone has a different idea: some say it is to avoid suffereing by not 'wanting'; others think it's all about finding happiness, be it through mindless consumerism, the latest gossip in glossy magazines, going to church every Sunday, becoming completely atheist or reductionist or by blindly following the new 'Law of Attraction' zeitgeist making millions for some.

But even still then, the real answer avoids all of us like a phantom. We never do find eternal happiness here on old Earth. It is always there for a split second, and then washed away by arguments, the job, the fat, the craving, the traffic, the sweaty metro, pollution, bad news and lost love...

It would also seem that this new 'Law of Attraction' Holy Grail is not working out so well for most of us, answered by the gurus: you are not asking for the right things...

But what if life was not all about happiness? What if life was the ultimate Journey, happiness being the bread crumb trail in your Hansel & Grettle forest?

If we study comparative mythology, we find a golden thread binding existence: the Monomythical Hero's Journey: from Osiris, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Ghandi, Virracocha, Mandella to John Mc Cain and....You - the journey of the Hero: living the ordinary life, being heralded to a higher purpose, crossing the threshold, suffering tremendously and eventually, return home with the elixir of life....

Life is not about suffereing nor happiness; it is not about wanting or not wanting; it is not about mindless glamourous consumerism nor being a fundamentalist environmentalist...

Life is about The Journey....Your Journey. Life is about living life, experiencing the sour and the sweet, happiness as well as despair. Life is learning to love and be loved, to give and be given to.

Life is about living go on and live!

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Sad Debate: Boteach & Hitchens

This debate saddens me a bit. In my humble opinion, I feel that both men are missing the point: they argue from their ego-perspective (especially so in Hitchens' case - a more singular ego-perspective while in a more collective ego-perspective in Boteach's case).

Boteach is very emotional and passionate (which I admire in some respect), but fail to defend the notion of 'God' in a non-Jewish sense. In my humble opinion, 'God' is beyond any organized human thought pattern and metaphor. The concept of God should in this day and age be approached in a slightly more open-minded way such as the profound connection between modern science and ancient mysticism (as I describe in my book 'The Sleeper Must Awaken').

Christopher Hitchens is a great orator (ad verbatim, impressive…) with a dry sense of humour and wit; but his arrogance and sarcastic way of downtrodding millions of believers is very saddening. It is like rediculing and breaking the heart of your child for believing in the tooth fairy or santa clause. This is cruel and sadistic, and neatly glossed with a hidden anti-semitic mindset (saying this not even being jewish myself).

It also saddens me to hear the live audience's response and sub-acute mockery of the Rabbi, who at least have the courage to stand up to a majority. In the words of the Christ: he who has no blemish, cast the first stone…

'God' is beyond egotistic televised debates. In fact the word 'God' does not describe The Presence we all feel; The Presence that has been with 'us' since consciousness started evolving in the incalculable 'past' (past that does not exist as time is a mere illusion in 3d dimensional 'space'). The Presence that IS US and ALL.

To believe or not to believe in this Presence of Self - in whattever peculiar way - is a mere externalization/ unfolding/ projection of The One Consciousness in order to experience Self in the shape of The Journey we call 'life' - from Super String or M-Brane to Molecule to amoeba to human to angel to ET to Universe…

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Memoirs of South Africa - January 2008

I break my 3 week silence with this blog, sharing my memoirs of South Africa with you. For those unfamiliar with South Africa, quickly scroll down to the footnote*

Strangely enough, we flew British Airways again (if you can remember my ordeal with BA in a previous blog), mainly due to silly circumstances. The flight was pleasant enough (with a nerve wracking landing at Johannesburg International, made worse thereafter with the news of a BA plane that crash-landed)!

Johannesburg International (OR Tambo) was abuzz with building works as South Africa relentlessly prepares for hosting the 2010 Football World Cup; the hot humid weather pressing down on glistening ivory and ebony faces outside the cool air-conditioned interior of the building.

Soon thereafter, we took our connection flight to the Southern Cape: to my humble opinion, one of the most beautiful places in the word - to visit my parents. The weather was pleasant as always, with temperatures of around 22 degrees Celsius and a cool sea breeze tickling the nape of one's neck. After a few days of leisure - walking on the beach and a few barbeques - we took the road north: through the arid Karoo towards the Free State provence.

Beach near Mossel Bay

A view towards Mossel Bay

Making fire for a barbeque

A B&W portrait/ landscape by my wife, Daleen (near Mossel Bay)

A beach landscape near Mossel Bay

A drive through the arid interior of South Africa (called the Karoo) - is for me - always a pleasure. Through the winding pass of the Swartberg Mountains where the ocean air throws a cloudy blaket over the rugged edges and lush vegetation gives way to succulents over time as the air gets hotter and drier.

The Swartberg Mountain Pass

The Karoo: strangely green after abundent summer rains

Ostridges in the Karoo (near Oudtshoorn)

A rare event: cloudburst in the Karoo

Giant cacti at a fuel station in the Karoo

A tortoise crossing the road in the Karoo

After three hours of traveling, we stopped over in a small town called Beaufort-West by some friends of ours.

Typical architecture of Beaufort-West

Interior of friends' house in Beaufort-West

Having dinner

After a pleasant dinner - chatting about social issues and psychological techniques such as 'gestalt' - we went to bed, trying to sleep in evening temperatures of around 30 degrees Celsius (not an easy task amid the super-imposed buzzing of mosquitos in your hot little ears).

The next morning - just before hitting the road again - my good friend Earle took me on what he calls a 'breakfast-run': on his Vespa, with two steaming hot coffees in hand, we were off to a quiet little spot just outside of town. Amid the Karoo mountains, with the sun just crawling over the tips, backligting our steaming coffees; we absorbed the stillness of the landscape as a Kudu lazilly strolled by - absolutely magical. It just reminded me again how foolish the whole rat-race is again...

Off we were again, on our way to Free State provence to check out our newly bought little house in an almost never-heard-of town.

The Main street in this small Free State town

Our planned future little home

Grassfields of Free State provence

We arrived in Bloemfontein (the capitol of Free State) 5 hours later. After a lightening-fast 2 weeks of catching up with more family and friends, it was time to go back to the gray and dreary winter of the United Kingdom. But this last sunset will keep my heart warm through the last stretch of the Northen Hemisphere winter.

* South Africa - short for Republic of South Africa - is a country at the southern tip of Africa where the famous Nelson Mandella and FW de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize for abolishing 'apartheid', and laying the foudations in the constitution for a democracy called 'The Rainbow Nation'.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008

Prodigy Artist

Another prodigy with an interesting story. Watch the accompanying interview with her as well:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Prologue

I have recently seen the film 'Lady in the Water' again after some time, and just realized again what a great story teller Night Shyamalan is. He has his critics, how else? But his stories (films) - especially Lady in the Water - are important, and ring true in our deep subconscious minds.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Power of One

Ever wondered why most of us are afraid to speak in front of a crowd at first, and when finding the courage to confront this fear, later thrive on doing so?

When we see an angry crowd rioting, one truly understands the words: a crowd is a dangerous animal.

There is a mysterious force that binds many into one; a force we see in an ant colony or bee hive working for the greater good of the collective; we see it in a flock of a thousand birds flying as one, turning time after time at the very precise moment as if by magic; when zebras evade their predators by moving collectively, their numbers and patterns confusing the predators; when mammals like dolphins work unselfishly in groups to catch their fish by chasing fish into balls, and taking turns to feed.

This magical invisible force, is the power of the collective mind; when many act as One. This is indeed, because all is One, forgotten by Supermarket Man, desperately clinging to his reductionist Victorian mindset of divide and conquer, destroying nature and the future of his children in the ‘name of progress’.

But the Winds of Change has started to blow. The collective mind of the Sleeping Giant is awakening to the Light; and the Awakened Giant with Light in its heart, is a dangerous Being to the forces of darkness…

A video showing a flock of birds flying as one organism (wait for at least a minute into video for best shot).

Sunday, January 6, 2008


I have recently discovered this wise Native American saying:

"Western man will soon discover that, when the last tree is cut down, and all the rivers are poisened; he won't be able to eat his money..."

Friday, January 4, 2008

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Another year gone by in the blink of an eye; another lying ahead...

Yes, it's January again, the month's name derived from one of the oldest Roman gods Ianus/ Janus, who has two faces: one facing the past, the other facing the future; essentially being the mythological doorway from yesterday to tomorrow.

And here we find ourselves in this mythical doorway once again; our 2007 Self 'dying' on the solstice of December 21st, and then being 'resurrected' for the coming 2008, passing through the doorway or 'janua'.

And finding yourself on this doorway once more: what lies ahead for you and all of us?

So far, things look a bit grim: Pakistan and Kenya are in turmoil; the Iraq war looms forth; oil has hit an all time high of $100/ barrel (with fuel prices surging); the credit crunch of 2007 continues to haunt the markets, and threatens the world economy (thus ultimately you and your children)...

But fear not dear readers. As Frankl once remarked: in order to cause light, one must endure some burning...

Being mythically 'reborn' through Janus - thus standing on the threshold of another year - the opportunity arises for you (and all of us) to make a change not only for ourselves, but for the the world. The world is in it's current state, because of billions of individuals making poor decisions day after day; year after year. This collective decision making causes what we live everyday.

Think about it: everything you experience around you was once a mere thought of someone. From the PC (or Mac) you are using to read this blog, to the chair you're sitting in, the house around you, your clothes and car...all ideas once in someone's head that was made reality by externalizing it through decision and action. You want a house, you imagine it in your mind, explain it to an architect who then draws the plan (externalizing the thought). This plan will then be further externalized by the builders, until you live in that once imagined thought.

This applies to everything. What once was a vast and rich wilderness, is now a wrongfully conquered country: with sprawling tarmac, concrete and metal, shaping our cities, sucking the life from Earth, and polluting her as a 'thank you'. What once was freedom of the people in smaller lovingly empathetic communities, are now endlessly bureaucratic legislation, controlling the consuming masses of billions.

And among those billions of thinkers and decision makers; is you. The reason why you think that you don't count, is because you feel lost in that faceless and impersonal giant called 'humanity'. But everyone's thought counts. Like my wife always says: $999,999.99 can never become a million without that last cent. It takes one snowflake more on the heap, to cause a deadly avalanche.

Some thoughts and decisions empower us, while others deceive us into thinking we have power, while we are actually destroying ourselves. It is as Jimmy Hendrix once said: when the love for power is changed into the power of love, then we will have peace.

Thus, take this opportunity of 'rebirth', and think about your future. Don't just fall into the mindless routine of work again, slaving away your existence to afford your mortgage and further enrich the central banks of the world. Think carefully about the life and future not only of yourself, but of your children and the entire humanity. Your powerful thoughts and decisions can make or break your life, and that of others.

Learn from your past, live now and create your new future with the decisions of today...

Jean Erasmus