A lot is said and written about mind, body and spirit. It even has its own genre on the book shelf. But how many of us truly understand this triumvirate concept fully?
In the next essay, I will - as explained at length in my book The Sleeper Must Awaken - give a shorter version of my views on this important concept.
If one truly understands this triumvirate, it could prove life altering.
The Body-Mind-Spirit union and Oneness
Before tackling this triumvirate concept, it is important to understand the concept of Oneness. Again, so many write about it and say: all is One. But most never truly think or meditate upon it.
Let me start with a crude metaphor: in your living room, you will sit quietly while the sun is shining through the window, gently baking on your lap. You look around and see a few things you own; like the TV, stereo etc. Apart from that, you experience your living room as empty. But this is only because you cannot 'tune in' to everything in that living room.
In that very 'quiet' living room of yours, you will find all possible radio as well as TV station radio frequencies occupying the same 'space'. There is also the millions of Internet data transfers happening via cellular microwave frequencies and WiFi radio frequencies. The very sunlight falling unto your lap is not just mere sunlight; it is a plethora of visible as well as invisible electro-magnetic frequencies, ranging from visible light to infra-red and ultra-violet, to x- and gamma rays, intermingled with the odd neutrino now and then. There are sub and ultra sound frequencies from various earth activity, and so it goes.
Best of all: all this inaudible and invisible 'noise' mentioned above is only in the 3d dimension. I haven't even touched the other dimensions yet.
My point is this: even though you cannot see or hear all of this 'noise', it is there, part of your world. As a matter of fact, you are not separate from it. All that 'noise' is in fact vibration, just like your body (explained later) as well as your brain waves, transmitted or broadcast into space and time.
But the interesting thing about 'Space & Time' is this: it is an illusion. It is a mere spectre, projected from a deeper 'unseen' dimension' as can be seen from David Bohm's explanation of Alain Aspect experiments done in Paris in the 1980's* - electrons separated from their 'mother' atom, will 'communicate' with each other faster than the speed of light, which violated Eistein's relativity theorem. David Bohm (a physicist and contemporary of Einstein) postulated that there is no such thing as 'separateness'; that separateness is only an illusion of 'enfolded space' observed by us.
Imagine this: you are sitting in a little boat on the ocean with two icebergs; one in front and another behind you. Then, suddenly 'God's Hand' will come from the heavens, and press on the iceberg's tip in front of you. Suddenly, the iceberg behind you also moves, and you wonder: how can both icebergs move if only one was touched by the 'Hand of God'?
But if you would to dip your head under the surface of the water, you would notice that it is indeed one iceberg with only two little exit points above the surface!
Indeed, our consciousness mostly drifts in a little boat on the surface of the universe; very few of us noticing this...
This is how we (and EVERYTHING else) are connected: we are all connected in a hidden 'inner' dimension/s; our bodies merey the tips of the One iceberg.
Now, let's play 'reductionism made simple', and see body, mind and spirit in the falsified 'seperate' mode.
As mentioned above, our bodies, and all the 'seperate' things here on planet earth, are the tips of the iceberg called Oneness. Let's investigate the Body:
Consider your own body. It is made from trillions of cells - like bricks of a house. Each cell - a miraculous self-sustaining micro-machine - will be made out of organelles. These organelles made from molecules, made from atoms. Atoms consist of Neutrons and Protons at the center, and Electrons surrounding the center in a cloud of uncertainty (Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg). These sub-atomic 'particles' as a group, are called Fermions: M-Branes with an asymmetric wave function. These make up the 'physical' part of our universe, as well as your body.
We also get Bosons: symmetric wave M-Branes giving 'birth' to elements carrying 'energy' of our universe - from light to gravity (postulated by M-Theory).
And this is your 'body': a single melody in a symphony of fermionic and bosonic vibration called the universe of the 3d dimension. But there is more to this body of yours...
The fleshy part of your body - thus the only one you're aware of - is only the 3d dimensional part of the mutliverse occupying YOU/ SELF. In Tantra, Yoga and many other ancient scriptures, the body was divided into many seamlessly integrated 'parts' called the physical, etheric and astral bodies. This idea is better understood by Astral Expert Robert Bruce, who wrote an excellent book called Astral Dynamics, in which he explains this concept well.
In short, your physical body is only the densest frequency of the many of your 'body', occupying the same space-time. It is again like your living room, where only one radio station can be heard when you tune into that particular one, although there are thousands of others occupying the same living room. At present, most of us are tuned into Radio Real (dense, physical, linear, temporary). Most importantly: the physical body is a projection from the 'inner' dimensions, and this is where we come to...
Mind is the projection's light-beam. Mind is the 'bridge' between your 'body' (and the physical universe) and Spirit (the inner dimension or projector).
Mind is thus something that could be influenced, just like a bridge, transmission line or light-beam: it could be filtered, refracted or worse, severed.
Mind is thus the important umbilical chord between Body (physical universe/ outer dimension) and Spirit (non-physical universe/ inner dimension). This is why it is so important to learn to 'tame' and condition one's mind. If not, it will fall prey to oher controllers (and believe me there are many), and thus control you body (through Ego - later on this), and thus in collation with others, will affect the outcome of 3 dimensional reality on earth.
Spirit is the Light Source; the everlasting Universal Energy and Consciousness. It is 'neutral' in the sense that it cannot be fully understood by a simple projected 3 dimensional being with primate DNA (such as ourselves), without transcending the dense 3 dimensional 'world' and body. It is unfathomable with a mere human brain. All that can be said, is that it is the Source of everything: from simple M-Brane to atom, molecule, cell, organism, eco-system, planet, solar system and universe in all different dimensions at once. 'God' is what most of us metaphorically call it, and the way in which we describe 'God' with our religions, falls short of what Spirit really is by a billion miles to the power of a billion.
Body, Mind & Spirit is a triumvirate, interwoven One with different frequencies occupying the same 'space-time' aspect. It is seamlessly connected to one another and the Source of everything, with Body being the illusory 'separate' pinnacle in this dense dimension and Mind the bridge to Spirit, the Source of all.
When one understands this more clearly, then one can move consciousness to a deeper level 'within', and get a more objective, non-linear & non-local perspective of oneself and the profound interconnection not only with other human beings, but to the multiverse entirely.
* Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment: A New Violation of Bell's Inequalities, A. Aspect, P. Grangier, and G. Roger, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 49, Iss. 2, pp.91-94 (1982)