Kid yourselves not. Governments and their politicians are not there to help the masses. The evidence is clear: from the more than 40 wars and proxy wars fought from South America to Asia in the so called 'Post War Era' - involving more than 10 million deaths (including the poor US and British soldiers who were fooled and forced into it) - to the current war on 'terrorism' (with more and more evidence showing this to be a fabricated notion as an excuse to make war) - to the Hurricane Katrina dilemma (scandal) - to issues such a Mr's Blair and Brown refusal of a referendum on EU membership after it was promised to their people, and the very atrocious veto by Mr Bush yesterday, denying $35 billion to children's health care (while the war machine is fed up to the point of bursting from it's seems).
It is time to wake up to the real agenda behind this long war of the West. The real agenda of 'unified nations' and currencies (such as the new North American Union and it's proposed 'amero' as currency). Look deeper, and you will see: the regions of the wars (with it's more than 60% of total oil and gas reserves compared to the West's combined 6%), the history of war revealing time after time, that the causes were fabricated and people fooled - from Pearl Harbour to the Polish invasion by the Nazi's to the careful 15 year plan to invade and maintain the war in Vietnam, causing more than 58 000 American deaths, and more than 3 million Vietnamese deaths (most civilian). How could the American military (and government) escape conviction of war crimes and crimes against humanity, after dropping two atomic bombs (1945) on civilian cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki - killing more than 190 000 civilians and in the process, demonizing the American people who does not deserve it?
It is time to wake up to the real agenda behind this long war of the West. The real agenda of 'unified nations' and currencies (such as the new North American Union and it's proposed 'amero' as currency). Look deeper, and you will see: the regions of the wars (with it's more than 60% of total oil and gas reserves compared to the West's combined 6%), the history of war revealing time after time, that the causes were fabricated and people fooled - from Pearl Harbour to the Polish invasion by the Nazi's to the careful 15 year plan to invade and maintain the war in Vietnam, causing more than 58 000 American deaths, and more than 3 million Vietnamese deaths (most civilian). How could the American military (and government) escape conviction of war crimes and crimes against humanity, after dropping two atomic bombs (1945) on civilian cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki - killing more than 190 000 civilians and in the process, demonizing the American people who does not deserve it?
Look at governments all over the course of time and space - from the East to the West, from the North to the South - they have never been there for the people. In stead, they have always either blatantly robbed people of their freedoms and wealth, or in stealth mode (as the Western governments do), by using Plato's Cave Analogy: a slave convinced that he/ she is free, will never have to rebel.
We have 'freedom of choice': a choice between supermarkets, television channels, perfumes and the political puppet on the left, or the one on the right. But can we choose our children's schools, hospitals, or if we should be part of an illegal war (by paying for it with our taxes), slowly becoming part of a globalized tyranny? Do we have the freedom to demand another independent inquiry into 9/11 and 7/7? Is there freedom in being allowed 'freedom of speech' only in 'freedom of speech zones'? Doesn't the so called new 'Patriot Act' violate the very freedoms of the people stipulated in the U.S constitution 4th amendment? (Let me remind you that I am not even an American, and I know this - how could the American people allow this to happen to them?)
Governments - no matter where they are, and by whom they were 'democratically elected' - are not there for you, dear citizen. You are there for them. You are the milking cow, kept passive in your consumerist zombie state; your television and Playstation subduing and distracting you while they rob you blind of your hard earned money. Tax is supposed to be for state of the art health care, education and transport, not for killing 40 000 women and children in a foreign land for their resources. Ask yourselves: why, if you pay so much tax, do you still have to pay for private health care (because public health is neglected), for expensive 'privatized trains', private education, privatised water, privatized electricity and gas and privatized telecoms? Don't we then pay double in the process? Where is all that tax money going then? Why does the United States of America, Britain and any other country for that matter, owe the World Bank more than trillions of dollars?
Dear reader, Morpheus is right: The Matrix has you...Look at the word GOVERNMENT. Govern = control. Ment = mind (mentis, Latin for mind). Mind control...
But what should we do? Without government, it will be anarchy!
Anarchy is derived from the Greek word, anarchia, meaning 'without ruler'. It does not mean 'chaos'. And yes, we do need a leader or leaders (for now), but not a ruler or rulers. A ruler is something that controls the masses by force (open or concealed); a leader is someone that guides his or her people by teachings of peace and example, such as Osiris, Viracocha, Krishna, Jesus the Christ, the Buddha and many other world teachers.
We need to wake up to our concealed slavery, dispel of our rulers, and look for our leaders. Leaders are not the mighty and powerful alpha males, flexing their muscles of nuclear threats and commit war 'in the name of peace'.
War does not equal peace. War equals death and destruction. War, is the real evil, and those who promote it, the real slaves to evil.
Real leaders, are the kind and gentle ones. When they speak to their people, it is not from a high platform with teleprompters - it is amongst the people, on the same level, with words coming from the heart. They don't shake their fists in the air shouting victory; they lovingly touch their people, healing them.
I beg you please; stop fooling yourselves with these alpha-male rulers of ours. Turn your back on them, and start looking for your leaders - the kind and gentle ones.
Who knows, that leader might just as well be inside of you...
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