Let's refresh on the idea of thought being vibratory energy by starting with what we (as humans) and our world are really made from. What are you made of?
Skin, bone, flesh a bit of blood...What are they made of? Cells...what are cells made of? Molecules, consisting of atoms.
Ah, the word atom derived from the Greek word meaning indivisible, as they once thought (yes, that was the thought of the day - that atoms were the smallest things in the universe). But we now know that atoms are made from smaller 'parts' as well. In the center we have the nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, and on the very edge - the electrons. Protons and neutrons are made from quarks (up or down spin), and are like electrons what physicists call leptons. Leptons are all fermions - sub-atomic particles with asymmetric wave properties, unlike bosons (such as photons - the carriers of light), which have symmetric wave properties.
Phew! What a mouthful. Now, what are these bosons and fermions made of? And what do they mean by 'wave properties'?
This is where Super String Theory kicks in. Sub-atomic 'particles' (fermions and bosons) are the 'illusion' we perceive as reality due to strings or 'branes' vibrating at different frequencies. It is as Michio Kaku (quantum physicist) explained it: strings or branes are like the strings of a violin - different frequencies of the string will give rise to different notes, these 'notes' being the particular 'sub-atomic particles'. Chords will then be atoms and molecules, phrases the 'organs' and songs the organism or larger structures. Interestingly put.
Then in essence, we are all just vibration - the symphony of life. This vibration is seen in everything: oceanic waves, air currents, earth quakes, the sound of music, light colours and their frequencies, economic fluctuation, moods and thoughts - all vibrations.
But, as we'll see tomorrow - vibration can be harmonic; or disharmonic...
Here follows a documentary on Modern Cosmology and Super String Theory (45 min)
Skin, bone, flesh a bit of blood...What are they made of? Cells...what are cells made of? Molecules, consisting of atoms.
Ah, the word atom derived from the Greek word meaning indivisible, as they once thought (yes, that was the thought of the day - that atoms were the smallest things in the universe). But we now know that atoms are made from smaller 'parts' as well. In the center we have the nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, and on the very edge - the electrons. Protons and neutrons are made from quarks (up or down spin), and are like electrons what physicists call leptons. Leptons are all fermions - sub-atomic particles with asymmetric wave properties, unlike bosons (such as photons - the carriers of light), which have symmetric wave properties.
Phew! What a mouthful. Now, what are these bosons and fermions made of? And what do they mean by 'wave properties'?
This is where Super String Theory kicks in. Sub-atomic 'particles' (fermions and bosons) are the 'illusion' we perceive as reality due to strings or 'branes' vibrating at different frequencies. It is as Michio Kaku (quantum physicist) explained it: strings or branes are like the strings of a violin - different frequencies of the string will give rise to different notes, these 'notes' being the particular 'sub-atomic particles'. Chords will then be atoms and molecules, phrases the 'organs' and songs the organism or larger structures. Interestingly put.
Then in essence, we are all just vibration - the symphony of life. This vibration is seen in everything: oceanic waves, air currents, earth quakes, the sound of music, light colours and their frequencies, economic fluctuation, moods and thoughts - all vibrations.
But, as we'll see tomorrow - vibration can be harmonic; or disharmonic...
Here follows a documentary on Modern Cosmology and Super String Theory (45 min)
BBC Horizon's Super-String Theory M-Theory Origin of the Univers
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