Racism is defined as being a subjective belief system or informal doctrine in any ethnic group, where it is believed that a certain ethnic group is superior or inferior to another.
Racism is a fancy word that was invented by western mind, to try and ‘classify’ a behavioural pattern by man, thus Homo sapiens for millennia. This ‘behaviour’ is nothing less than ethnic groups hating each other, and committing heinous acts of violence to one another. It has been an ongoing event since ancient times between all racial groups of the world, and probably the single most common cause for conflict ranging from a simple slap on the cheek to raging World Wars where millions have died. It is a human behavioural pattern that is filled with negativity and destruction, and needs to be solved – and solved it can be, for it has a simple cause.
It is my belief that ‘racism’ - like xenophobia (loathing and discrimination against foreigners which I experienced living in a foreign country) and religious intolerance – thus a form of separatism, has its roots in a simple cause; this cause itself having two pillars. But before we delve into the cause, I would like to share something with the reader; something very important.
All humans on this planet earth - whether male or female, black or white, Indian, Japanese or African – differ less than 1% in their genetic make-up on cellular level. In other words, all humans on earth are essentially more than 99% the same^. For the average human living the average life; less than 1% does not matter. Then why should it matter what the colour of one’s skin is, or what shape one’s hair is? It’s like waging a war on the differences between a blue car made in country A, and a red car made in country B. Both of these cars, are vehicles with exactly the same function – to take one from point A to B. These seemingly ‘big’ differences in different ‘races’, are there only because the human body has adapted to its particular environment over the ages. Darker skinned people will originally be found in sunnier countries, as dark skin contains more melanin to protect them against the sun (thus being the reason why ‘white’ people become brown after sunburn). To the average human being, the difference between a blue car and a red car of the same make is potentially enormous. Take for instance how long some people will spend contemplating the colour of the car before they buy; in essence, being exactly the same car. We are prone to subjectively ‘classify’ things as hugely different only on colour or shape alone, while not contemplating the essence of the thing itself. This being the reason why most people will see vast differences between different races, which essentially are more than 99% the same. Just think about it for a moment: All human beings have one head (with two eyes and ears, a nose and a mouth), a body, two arms and two legs, with a pair of hands and feet, each having five digits. All humans are born from their mothers, drink from their mothers and cry when they are hungry as babies. All humans take 18 years to grow up, laugh when they are happy and cry when they are sad. We are all the same, with slight changes here and there, which some groups make a big fuss about; this silly little ‘fuss’ leading to hatred and violence, which is completely unnecessary, and solvable. Let us take a look at the cause, and then the solution.
This silly little fuss we call ‘racism’, has its one root in the very same thing where we differ so little – our genetic make-up. As we ourselves only differ less than 1% from each other, the human race as a whole – thus ALL human beings on the earth – differ less than 5% from the chimpanzee!** We as humans or the Homo sapiens species, are in essence a close cousin to the primate family of apes, of which the chimpanzee is the closest. The resemblances are clear, especially looking at our hands with their opposing thumbs, and our social primate-mammalian behaviour. It is this very social behaviour of chimpanzees that I want to concentrate on. It was discovered by scientists and recently shown by documentary film makers, that chimpanzees divide themselves into different groups, and will often (instigated by the male leaders of the pack) attack and kill each other; this even in the abundance of food. This very act can be seen in the various groups of humans living in the world led by a male leader, to attack and kill each other for territory, even if their own territory is good enough. It is seen in both developing as well as developed worlds. This very behaviour is actually seen in nature as a whole, where different groups of animals and plants will fight each other for survival. It is thus a genetic ‘program’ running on automatic in order to survive. Thus, the one root of racism lies in the primitive survival instinct of the species; the survival programming of the primate body running on automatic – find your ‘group’, and attack the others in order to survive.
This brings us to the second root: The Ego and collective ego. To simplify things, the ego can be explained as that part of you that helps you interact with your surroundings; in other words with the people around you. Some people will call it your ‘identity’ or ‘personality’, and this is shaped since birth by various factors. As you are born into a certain family (themselves living in a certain society), with certain cultural values (from language to religion), you will naturally incorporate it into your ego; thus you will speak the same language, and in most cases, follow the same religious path and behavioural patterns as your parents and peers, shaping the collective ego. Thus you ‘fit in’ so to speak; and this is where the ‘group’ thing, programmed into your genes, kicks in. It leads to the concept of ‘us’ and ‘them’. This is made worse by our competitive nature, and soon enough, hatred will evolve, leading to atrocious acts.
And now, the solution: we as humans possess something that profoundly sets us apart from our primate chimp cousins. Humans can do things that other animals cannot. We can communicate not only with structured verbal language, but also with symbols, using complex metaphors interwoven by mythical tales. We do not only experience different emotions (as I’m sure most animals do), but externalize them through our complex languages and art forms; creating the most vibrant paintings, music and prose. We can solve complex problems in the most creative ways; building skyscrapers and machines that can fly at supersonic speeds while carrying a few hundred humans as they enjoy these very same art forms created by others on miniature screens and devices in their ears. We can perform acts of extreme selflessness, helping strangers in need, and even rise to a state where we protect animals which are potentially lethal to us as a species, but knowing that it contributes to the greater good. We are, as some might remark, ‘angels trapped in animal bodies’. We are almost - as stated in Abrahamic religions - created in God’s image; thus spiritual beings. It is interesting to know that more than 90% of humans - regardless of their religious backgrounds – believe in a Force higher than themselves, and that some part of their consciousness as human beings linger and return to the world of this Force after death. *
It is in this very element of being different from our primate cousins, that the solution to racism (and so many other social problems) lies. We do not have to bow to the automatic survival instinct within us. We have the power to understand the reason behind it, rise above it and collaborate instead of compete like animals. We need to see that we are more than 99% the same (being grateful and respect the minute differences between us), that our survival instinct no longer serves us, but destroys us, and to recognize our spiritual natures in order to embrace each other in collaboration. We can after all, learn from certain groups of animals (from bees to dolphins) how to collaborate instead of compete and destroy.
It is time for the brothers and sisters to stop their rivalry, and recognize the hungry wolf of demise staring at them from the woods. It is time for the rainbow nation to stop fighting each other with foaming mouths because of silly misconceptions, and recognize this truth of Oneness; a Oneness that can create a Utopia in an already paradise-like world.
Behind every ‘black’, ‘coloured’ and ‘white’ mask, hides a spiritual human being with his or her own fears, desires, dreams and hardships. The clothes maketh NOT the man; the mask maketh not the human being. The time has come to let go of our ignorance on this matter of primate instinct and ego, rise above it, take hands and walk out of the dark cave of our history into the sunshine of tomorrow. As one cannot drive while looking in the mirror; so we cannot build on our future focusing on our past. We have to learn from the past, change, live and enjoy today; and plan for the future. If we can do this, our future will be bright and prosperous.
Jean Erasmus
* The World's Religions, Christopher Partridge
^ Marcus W. Feldman et al (Stanford)
** Robert Waterson et al.